The Human Things

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"Paul, look at this lovely flower over here."

"Yes, beautiful indeed, Mary."

"I think I'll take it home, Paul."

"What?" I screamed. Well, for a flower it was a scream. "Don't do that!" I screamed again, but all the screaming was in vain.

Giant fingers closed over us both. Darkness.

And then light.

"Hmm, where am I?" I heard a familiar voice say. Then I realised it was me.

"Bluwer! You finally woke up," Tan squealed in relief. "Bluwer, this human Mary just pulled you out of your home on the ground. I was shocked cos all your roots were naked. Then she just carried you out of the cemetery. Now I know what happened to my other friends!"

"Oh no!" I moaned. "We must return to the cemetery!"

"I agree," said Tan. "And as soon as possible. If I don't return on time to my colony, the Queen will sentence me to death!"

A harsh queen I thought, but before I could even give a reply I realised something "Wow," I exclaimed. "What is this thing we're in? We're going so fast!"

"It's a car," Tan helpfully explained. "I already heard stories about them in the colony."

"So what now Tan? What are we going to do!?" I asked my little six-legged friend.

"No idea," he told me despondently. "Wait though, I have an idea! If I bite this human Mary thing who's holding you in her hand, she might drop you and then we can escape!"

"Do it" I shouted in hope.

A Day in the Life of a FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now