New Soil

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Surely things couldn't get any worse, I thought. Silly me, because then they did. A dark shadow loomed in the distance, and second by second got bigger and bigger. I screamed. "Tan! There's another bird comi..."

Darkness. (again)

And then, mercifully, light once more.

"Whew, what just happened?" I managed to ask. Gosh, I was feeling quite dizzy.

"You fainted again Bluwer!" Tan replied. "The other bird looked like he wanted you too, so they both fought and we fell next to this place. I think it's a human house although we've been here for ages and I haven't seen a single human..."

"Oh gosh! It's already dark!" I exclaimed, interrupting Tan.

"Yep, looks like I'm a deserter now, if I return to my colony I'm a dead ant." Tan said sadly.

"I'm sorry Tan..." I said feeling suddenly guilty. "It's all my fault, if you didn't climb on me you..."

Tan interrupted: "Bluwer! No! If it wasn't you I could've easily been squashed flat by those humans!"

"Oh well, I'm sorry anyway, Tan"

"No worries Bluwer"

"By the way Tan, what are we going to do now? We're lost." I cried, feeling quite hopeless.

"Well, we were lucky to land out of sight below this little bush, so no birds can spot us for now. This place will be our next home, Bluwer, after all this travelling we must be miles away from Brompton Cemetery." Tan explained, clearly quite sad. I realised Tan was going to miss his ant friends a lot.

"It looks like a nice place at least" I decided, trying to get an idea of my surroundings despite the dark.

"Yes," agreed Tan. "And while you were sleeping, I've been thinking I can try and dig you into the earth."

"That would be great!" I agreed. "But are you sure you can... Hey! What's going on? I think someone's grabbed me again!" I exclaimed in anger.

"Oh no, not again!" Tan shouted.

Minutes passed and then my roots felt the most wonderful sensation you can only get when your roots are surrounded with fresh new compost.

"I actually like this human, Tan," I decided. "He's dug me into this comfortable pot with soil in it, and he's even given me some water!" I added gratefully.

"I like him, too!" Tan agreed. " I think this could be our new home. And I can see some tasty food over there. Yummy!" Tan observed cheerfully. "But he's so big and he can squash me in a second... I really need to be careful.

The new human thing who grabbed me - we later learned his name was Frank - was now speaking to another human thing called Marina.

"Look at this lovely flower I found in my back garden," said the Frank thing. "Oh, it's so pretty," the Marina thing agreed. They talked some more, and then some more again. Both Tan and I suddenly found ourselves feeling rather sleepy.

"Bluwer, I'm quite tired, I will have a sleep," my little ant friend finally announced. Tan, yawning, then added: "It's been a long, hard day, with too many adventures. We're so lucky to be alive!"

"For sure, Tan!" I agreed. "I'm tired, too. So night night Tan, let's close our eyes and go to sl..."

I stopped suddenly. Oh no, I had totally forgotten about the readers! They have been together with us all the time. I hope it was a good story for them. Good night to you all! Well actually you might not be reading at night... anyway, you get it. 

The End!

A Day in the Life of a FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now