The Silver Bike Lady

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 ⚠Mild Swearing

"It's been two weeks! Don't any of you wonder where she went?" Dick asked his two youngest brothers, who were busy on their respective computers. "Who she's with?"

"I wish not to know." Damian muttered. 

Tim just sat in guilty silence.

"Well, she can't very well be on the streets! If so, it'd be all over the news!" Dick ran a hand through his hair. He was really worried. 

Of course he was. He still believed in her, and that was a quality that Bruce wished he could still have. He felt immense amounts of guilt after letting Sevanna go. Dick knew there was something more to her than alcohol and drugs, something she was hiding. He itched to find out what it was, even if that information would destroy him.

"After patrol tonight, I'm gonna find her." Dick said firmly, talking to noone but himself. 

"Good luck." Damian huffed, before standing up as Bruce entered the room. "What is it?"

"We need to get to a hangar. I've gotten a tip about some crime boss who's hacking into some gold codes there."

"Gold codes?" Damian's eyes widened as he realized what it was."Nuclear codes."

"Uh huh." Bruce nodded. Tim suddenly stood up.

"Who gave the tip?"


"So how can we trust it? It could be a trap."

"Because they've sent Babs to give it to me. And we can trust Babs, because she trusts this person."

"Okay then, should we suit up?" 



"Everyone in position?" Sevanna asked over the comms. The rest of the Midnight Crew had already infiltrated the Weston Hangar near the Gotham-Bludhaven border, where the Viper's was temporarily setting up his base. Sevanna was outside, ready to attack,

Briar and Selma had found out the person who stole the nuclear football, and it was a Japanese terror group led by a man named Cheng "Viper" Li; who had several right hand agents (each with their own gang) that the Midnight Crew needed to take down. At the hangar, there was the right hand man named Dragon with the rest of his crew. 

Now Sevy and her crew were already inside the hangar, their presences unknown as Briar and Christopher hacked the system, extracting and disabling the gold codes. Then after those were secure, they'd leave the hangar and the others would make as many silent arrests as possible.

"Briar and Chris are out." Sevy heard Selma say. 

"Everyone suited up? We need to do this as stealthily as possible. Nobody trigger any alarms."

As if on cue, the whole place started blaring, dozens of Japanese criminals leaving their posts and shouting at one another.

"Andre!" Morgan shouted at him.

"It wasn't me! Why do you always pick on me?!"

Sevanna groaned,pulling on her silver bike helmet  before revving up her motorcycle. 

She drove forward with a fierce speed, before crashing through the window and into the hangar, surprising many of the criminals. They clearly didn't expect a woman in a silver techy jumpsuit to disrupt their evil plans.

"Just droppin' by." Sevy said through her helmet, jumping off the bike, which then propelled into several bad guys. She pulled out her two taser scythes- her signature weapon, a blade with an electrical addition that instantly knocked out bad guys, and that snapped the criminals out of their reverie. 

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