The Takedown

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A/N: TIMESKIP 1 WEEK, slight angst (come on, man/woman up, it isn't that bad), and some slight swearing

Jason walked into the Midnight Crew headquarters with Nightwing by his side, internally marveling at how sick the place really was.

"We have the biggest lead that you cannot believe!" Briar popped out of nowhere. Dick jumped in surprise, but quickly regained composure.

"Brief us. How are we gonna take down Baldie?" Jason asked, following Briar through the maze-like halls of the headquarters. Dick trailed behind them, trying not to look too amazed.

"We know where they're gonna put the bomb, and can assume the buy will be performed there as well." Briar said, taking them into the Mission Control room. "What happened to Red Robin, Robin and Batsy?"

"Red Robin's handling our comms for the night, and the others can't. Robin fell sick a few days ago and Bats gotta stay back to make sure Robin doesn't do anything stupid." Dick answered, taking a seat in one of the leather chairs.

Selma walked in with the others, who were bickering loudly.

"No! We are not bringing bazookas!"

"Why the heck not?!"

"The bazooka could set off the nuke, you idiot!"

"Then we don't fire it at the nuke!"

"How in hell did you pass high-school physics?!"

Selma looked angrily at all of them, shutting them up immediately. They all were afraid of Selma's anger, and silently took a seat around the glass debriefing table, unwilling to bring down her wrath on them.

Selma and Briar had assumed leadership roles and nobody disagreed with that decision. Selma was the most mature out of all of them and mothered them around very often, while Briar was usually the sociopathic team spirit they all needed at times and was their tactics.

"Alright everyone!" Briar shouted. "Tonight, we're going out, deactivating a nuke and also getting Baldie and the Viper, dead or alive."

"Dead." Jason called out, shining his gun under the LED lights. Christopher and Andre smirked at Jason in agreement, and Jean-Pierre flashed all of them a sharp-toothed grin.

"Here's a layout of the factory they're in. We need to choose our battle strategy, because this time, they know we're coming." Morgan said, pulling up an image of the factory's blueprints.

"We've figured out the location of the nuke, thanks to Jean-Pierre's deducing skills and, and I've made a kill code for it with Morgan. Now all we have to do is get to the nuke and to the two bitches that made our lives a living hell. Everything else, collateral damage, and let's make a lot of it." Selma continued.

Dick bit his lip as a picture of Baldie was pulled onto the screen. His fist was shaking as he felt anger slowly course through his veins.

 That man was gonna pay for taking away their sister.

His sister. 

His Sevy.

Dick had watched the girl grow up. He'd always been by her side. So it hurt him like hell when she died all alone. All alone in the middle of a forest, trading her life for Damian's.

She was so brave, Dick thought. To give up on existence and reality like that just for a shot at keeping Damian alive.

But it should've been Dick under the dirt. Sevy didn't deserve to go out like that. Sevy deserved to finally connect with her family, to find the man or woman of her dreams and settle down, have kids, be at peace. His sister was always fighting a war, whether it be with herself or with a sworn foe. 

The Midnight Crew- A Batsis X Batfamily FanficWhere stories live. Discover now