Identity Revealed

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NOTE: TMC=The Midnight Crew

It was three days since the apprehension of the iron-grey guy, and he was given a temporary residence in an escape-proof room in the abandoned factory (or rather,a holding cell).

Nightwing and the Robins had tried to get information out of this guy, but all they got was 'You're making a mistake. We're on the same team here." And he said nothing else that was useful, just a bunch of complaints paired with a smug smile.

"Why don't you wipe that hideous smile off your face, huh? Why're you smiling?" Robin growled at him, clearly annoyed.

The iron-grey guy just grinned at him, further pissing off Damian. Before he could punch the smile off of the captive's face, Red Robin came in and threw a deli sandwich (wrapped in plastic wrap)at the captive.

"Dinner's served. You know, you're gonna stay here for a while if you don't tell us something."

The captive smiled at Red Robin, before saying a single word. "TMC. Sevanna Wayne."

Red Robin just nodded curtly,  grabbing Robin and dragging him out of the captive's room.

Robin swatted the older boy's hand off of him, before hissing at him. "I bet Sevanna's a criminal with them."

 "He told us about his organization. I just have to do some digging about what the TMC could mean."

"Okay then. Do your thing." Robin just grunted, before Batman and Nightwing came in.

Tim quickly told them about what the captive had just said, and immediately the whole family was more tense.

Batman was more on nerve ever since the incident with the silver-bike lady, and Nightwing was busy trying to get some more information as to whom it may be. Bruce shrugged off the weird feeling that the silver-bike lady was someone he knew, and helped out with Nightwing.

Now they were to go onto patrol, and Dick was to guard the prisoner. "Everyone suit up." Bruce said.

"Nightwing, did you get anything on that other lady?" 

"No." He said, taking his position next to the room, peeking in and watching the captive eat the sandwich.

The silver-bike lady was clearly trained by someone with extreme skills or trained with a similar elite organization. But they had next to nothing on her other than a muffled voice that was unidentifiable, even if Bruce kept insisting that it was someone they knew.

The others left, leaving Nightwing alone, staring annoyedly at the captive, who was making goofy faces at him.


It was past midnight, when Nightwing suddenly heard a noise. Footsteps.

Immediately  he pulled out his escrima sticks, ready to combat anyone in the shadows.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Nightwing shouted into the darkness. He heard a creak beside him and suddenly, the captive in the other room was gone. 

"What the-" He was cut off by being knocked to the ground with a brute force, his escrima sticks clattering away from his hands.

"Oh! Sorry there, I didn't see ya!" A muffled, cheery voice came through the silver helmet that was now inches from his face. She jumped off of him, grabbing his weapon and pocketing it, before giving him a hand.

It was the silver-bike lady.

"You-" Nightwing started, but he couldn't finish the sentence. "You beat up Batman."

The Midnight Crew- A Batsis X Batfamily FanficWhere stories live. Discover now