League Get-Together

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Clark stared at the wall of family pictures, at the cheery dark-red head with her four brothers.

"How's your girl doing?" Clark asked Bruce, who was busily arranging the snacks table with the second round of food. The four batboys were off with their respective friends, talking by the fountain, Damian with Jon, Jason with Roy, Tim with Stephanie and Dick with Wally. Today was just a simple get together Bruce had decided to hold at his house for the Justice League and some other hero friends.

"She's doing well." Bruce simply said, placing the nachos next to the fruit tray. 

Clark just looked once at Bruce, wondering why he was in denial.

It was all over the news and everybody knew that Sevy Wayne was definitely NOT okay and doing well, with the multiple scandals, the hundreds of allegations, several charges and the alcoholism plaguing her. Clark really was worried about Bruce's daughter, because people that were once as sweet as her never change so drastically on their own accord. Maybe Bruce was neglecting her or something?

"Is she coming to the party today?" Clark crossed his arms over his chest, pushing his glasses up with a free hand.

Bruce sighed. "Maybe. I invited her to come with her friends."

Bruce knew very well that sooner or later, the Justice League would find out about Sevy's little secret identity, and so he wanted to let them know beforehand that there was possibly another team- one of CIA Special OPs- on whatever criminal they planned to take down.

Diana strolled into the room, looking between the two men, before sighing. "Clark?"

"Yes, Diana?"

"Quit asking about her. It might be a sensitive topic..." Diana sympathetically looked at Bruce, smoothing down her red dress.

He now could understand how Sevy felt whenever people underestimated her, and he felt fury start to shake his bones. Bruce wanted to stand up onto that snack bar right then and there and yell at them and tell them about how much of a success his daughter was.

Ding dong!

Alfred hurried to the door, an excited look over his face. Bruce glared once at Diana, once at Clark, before heading out of the room to see the commotion in the lobby.

There was his darling daughter, all grown up, laughing her ass off with her crew.

Andre was hooting, Selma was laughing and clutching her stomach, unable to breathe, and Briar had tears trailing down her cheeks. Christopher looked pissed off, face red, and Morgan was grinning from ear to ear. Jean Pierre had hooked an arm around Sevy, making sure she didn't fall over, because she was the one who was laughing the hardest.

"Ah! What is it that's so funny?" Alfred asked, looking at the group, who were all dressed up and looking fabulous, a genuine smile over his face.

Everyone looked over at Christopher and burst into harder laughter.

By now, the commotion had drawn the boys inside the house. Damian went running, racing Dick to see who could get to Sevy first.


Sevy managed to stop laughing, her face still flushed, and she looked over at her brothers with sparkling eyes.

At that moment, Bruce saw how enchantingly beautiful his daughter was, despite all her scars.

Her dress was a slim fit, easy to maneuver herself in, but it was nevertheless the color of sapphires, which enhanced her electric blue eyes and made them seem to glow. Her red-brown hair, seemingly darker now that she was indoors, was in an intricate french braid, an occasional streak of silver in the twists of hair that made its way down to her mid-chest. A few strands that had escaped the braid framed her face in red-brown curls, contrasting against her tan skin. 

The Midnight Crew- A Batsis X Batfamily FanficWhere stories live. Discover now