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"Kenny, uncle Kevin's here and he brought some people with him" Hezekiah whispers shaking me awake, "he said we could go to the park if you'd get up and stop sleeping the day away"

"Tell him to shut the hell up and get out of my house, he needs to stop busting up in my crib without me knowing. One day ima shoot his ass for doing that"

Hezekiah rubs his head confusedly.

"I can't do that Kenny, I don't want to say a curse word" shaking his head he climbed into my bed resting his head on my side. "I ate the fruit salad you made me for breakfast, it was good"

"What do you want for lunch?" I question taking my phone off the nightstand, looking through my messages I read all the ones from Shoota and Bubba. "Shoota wants to go to the bumper car place later when he leaves work"

Work is what we call the trap around Hezekiah or nosy people.

"Is Bubba going to be there?"

"No, he's spending the day with his mom"


"Kennedy get yo ass up!" Kevin's loud ass yells banging on the wall "come on Mamas, we got shit to do!"

"Kiah go tell that man to stop yelling and banging on shit in my house"

"Okay but I'm not saying that curse word" he gives me a pointed look as he runs out of the room

"So what's up with you and Mark's brother?" Kevin asks munching on french fries, watching the kids play on the playground

"Me and Bubba just kicking it" shrugging I took out the blunt I had already rolled and brought it to my lips.

"Well I don't want him around you anymore"

"That's my left hand, he's always going to be around" sparking the blunt I turned then laid my head on his lap. "I won't mess with him like that no more if that's what you want"

"You been fucking him while we weren't on good terms?" Kevin nods

"Nah I thought about every time we were alone together, I wanted to and I know he did too but nope we just smoked and sleep for the most part"

"Now I don't want y'all around each other" taking my blunt he took a handful of hits before giving it back. "Where you wanna go after this?"

"Home, Shoota's going to pick up Hezekiah and take him out for a few hours"

"What are you doing after that?"

"I promise to kill someone so probably hunt him down, torture him a bit then go out and get something to eat. Shoota should be bringing Kiah back to my house after that"

"Have you ever thought about getting out the streets?"

"Nope, I have no reason to. Hezekiah will be back with his mom soon and I go back to what I was doing" shrugging I blew the smoke into his face

"Have you ever thought about it?" Kevin asks fanning it out his face

"Yeah, when Mariah would leave Kiah with me for days on in to look for Jeremiah's crackhead ass. I thought about getting out for him and doing something productive. That ship assailed a long time ago"

"Kenny? I'm hungry" Hezekiah whines

Outing my blunt I tucked it behind my ear, sitting up I dug in my pocket pulling out thirty dollars.

"Go get something from the food truck, take Khaza and Islah with you"

"Okay" he ran off shouting for them to follow him

"Baby?" Kevin nudges my side, trying to get my attention humming in response I watched the kids go up to the food truck. "I gotta question"

"Maybe I have an answer" looking at him briefly I got up, stretching. "come on, it looks like Kiah fussing with the people"

"What's something you want to be bad but can't?" Kevin questions following me to the food truck

"To be a mother" shrugging I picked up Khaza when he ran towards. "what's wrong?"

"The man said we can't get anything unless Dad orders it" he frowns

"My Auntie gone kick your butt old man!" Hezekiah shouts flicking off the man in the food truck

"Kiah chill" chuckling I looked over the menu seeing if I wanted anything. "add chilly fries to whatever they ordered"

"These are your kids?" the man question sizing me up

"Don't make me repeat myself" taking the money from Kiah I gave it to the dude.

"Dad" Khaza grumbles pulling Kevin closer to us. "I like Ken"

"I know, I do too" he hugged me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder. "get me something to drink"

"Add sweet tea to our order" snapping my fingers in the man's face I grew agitated at his lack of movement. "what are you waiting for? Make my damn food, fuck is you staring for?"

"That's Kev—Kevin Gates behind you" he stutters pulling out a small notebook and pen. "can I get your autograph and take a picture with you?"

"After we get our food" Kevin chuckles tapping my hips knowingly. "don't act a fool in front of the kids"

  "I'm not"

"Turn around and give me a kiss"

"No" my response somewhat ticks him off, in an instant he's standing in front of me glaring. "Kev, move out the way"

"Kennedy" he grunts gripping my waist, pulling my body flush against his he damn near sucked my lips off my face.

"Dad you're squishing me" Khaza whines trying to wiggle from between us. "Ken help me!"

"Kev, stop" chuckling I pushed him away putting Khaza on his feet. "What were you trying to do take my lips off my face?"

"Nah, just tryna love on my woman that's all" Kevin pecks my lips grabbing the takeout box's from the food truck dude, passing them to me he told me to go back to the bench with the kids. "I'll be there in a sec"

He turned away to sign the notebook and take a picture as promise with the man.

"Kenny? Do you like uncle Kevin?" Hezekiah questions sitting beside me on the bench, taking one of my fries.

"Yeah, he's cool" nodding I took a sip of Kevin's drink

"What about uncle Bubba? Shoota told me to ask"

"Tell Shoota to mind his business and stop getting into mine's" rolling my eyes I ate quietly watching the kids talk amongst themselves as they ate cheeseburgers and fries.

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