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"I want to take my position as boss again, I can't trust Lucky with it anymore"

"I'm all for it but how are you going to do that without killing him? You know he isn't going to step down willingly" Shoota sighs rubbing his temples. "why do you want the title back? Everybody knows you still run the streets you don't need to take it back"

"I do because when I gave Lucky my title I also gave him the right to make decisions and deals without me. He's putting cocaine back on the streets and you know how hard I worked to stop providing that when Jeremiah got addicted. He had to go travel two hours into the next state to get high but Lucky just made it easier for him. I know Jeremiah said he's been wanting to stay clean and do better but what happens if he's had a rough day and gives in to the temptation? He's going to relapse and it's just a matter of time"

"Tell all the dealers not to sell to him"

"That's not going to work, there's still a handful of people that still respect him and are loyal to him. They'll do whatever he wants"


"I need to find where Lucky's keeping it and burn it"

Starting my engine I rubbed my palm over my left eyebrow feeling a headache slowly forming.

"Kevin's calling you again" Shoota chuckles holding up my phone, accepting the call he tosses it into my lap

"Baby?" Kevin questions

"Yeah?" I grunt side-eyeing Shoota while putting the phone to my ear. "wassup?"

"How many times I gotta tell you to let me know when you're leaving? You didn't even bother to kiss me goodbye" he rants grumpily

"I did tell you I was going, you were too busy on the game to notice. I might come by tonight, if not then I'll come tomorrow"

"Still could've come and kissed me. Where you at?"

"On the way to get my title back—Shoota where's my brother?"

"At his condo trying to work out a schedule with Mariah so he can start spending time with Hezekiah"

"Call him and tell him to stay there for a few days until I get all the coke out the city. Then call Bubba and have him keep an eye for Jeremiah just in case he doesn't listen and leaves his house"



"What Kev?" turning onto the main road I sped into the direction of the trap house. "Cook something with baked chicken and mashed potatoes for when I come"

"Alright, be safe and try not to end up in jail"

"Nah today seems like a nice day to get arrested, I'll use my one phone call on you today" I mumble sarcastically

"I'll think about answering your call" he hums before shouting about his team not scoring a point. "I gotta go, Baby, stay out of trouble"

"Yeah yeah, bye Kevin" hanging up I tossed the phone to Shoota. "next time let the damn thing ring, he made me less mad and I want to be mad"

"That's crazy talk Ken" laughing he put his phone to his ear

"You can have the title back but you have to give up seeing Hezekiah" Lucky shrugs taking a pull from his blunt

"Ken doesn't take that deal" Shoota grunts nudging my side

Staring at the floor I nod to myself thinking about my options.

Could I give up seeing my boy just to get my title and keep my brother/Kiah's father from relapsing?

"Why would I have to give up seeing Kiah?" I question after taking a few minutes to think.

"Why would I let you have both? You're unpredictable and Kiah could end up hurt or dead because of you"

"Nothing has ever happened to him while he was in my care. I'd give my life for him ten times over and you know that. I'd walk into the middle of a gunfight unarmed for that boy without a doubt, so how could he be hurt or killed because of me?" closing my eyes I took a deep breath "why are you acting like this Lucky? For someone who's supposed to be my bestfriend you've been clowning me and acting iffy"

"Either you take the deal or leave it" waving me off, he leaned back in his chair eyeing his blunt

I know what he's doing, he's giving me this choice because he knows how much I love Hezekiah and will do anything to see him. Lucky thinks if he gives me this choice I'll fold and let him keep the title.

"I'll take it"

I answer took both Shoota and Lucky by surprise, they stared at me in shock while I masked my emotions taking out my phone I sent a text to Kevin telling him to get Hezekiah and his things together.

"Are you serious?" Shoota shouts shoving me

"I'll drop Kiah off at your house later today, have all the cocaine out of the city by tonight" glaring at Lucky I left his office going to the truck

"Kennedy, what the hell were you thinking? Do you not realize you won't see Hezekiah anymore?!" Shoota yells walking behind me

"I was thinking Hezekiah having a relationship with his father is something they both want and they can't have it if Jeremiah relapses and possibly OD from his next high. I understand that I physically can't hold or touch Kiah anymore but I can FaceTime him whenever he's with Jeremiah"

"I know your intentions are good but Ken you're going to regret this with everything in you"

"I already do" nodding I agreed with him

When I got to Kevin's house I told him about the deal and surprisingly he stands by my decision.

Instead of telling Hezekiah, I held him as long as I could before I had to take him to Lucky.

"Kenny, where are we going?" Hezekiah yawns draping his arms on my shoulder, clinging onto me as I carried him to my truck. "Is uncle Kevin coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming" Kevin smacks my butt taking my keys from me

"I'm taking you to Lucky's house, Kiah"

"Oh okay" he responds sleepily

"I love you, Kiah, don't ever forget that okay?" pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead I sat him in his car seat buckling him up

"Okay, I love you too Kenny"

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