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The period ended and I felt more stressed than ever. I knew it was simple. I just had to talk to him about it, just to see how he reacted. It wasn't that hard, but I couldn't stop thinking..what if it's true?
I rushed out of the library quickly and went straight in general area of where Benji's locker was to wait for him.
I searched through the crowd, for his brown hair to sprout through the mesh of people, yet to no avail, I couldn't see him.

I had decided if I hadn't seen him in the next few minutes I'd just head to my next class, when I saw him walking towards this area.
Holding a girls hand.
Holding a very pretty girls hand.
They stopped in front of a locker across from where I stood, (I assumed hers.)
I knew what was happening, yet I couldn't get myself to look away. Benji grabbed the girls waist, and brought a hand up to her face and then kissed her. Passionately too.
I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Bitch. I was seething. He straight up told me he didn't like me, yes. But he kept flirting regardless and it was fucking dumb.

I should've respected he wasn't interested and didn't get attached. He looked up as I was about to look away and we made eye contact. His face changed and looked apologetic, and he said a quick word to the girl then started to walk over. No fuck this. I started to walk away; or honestly
more like run.
I heard Benji call my name, but I just didn't care.
Ditching on my first day? Sounds accurate. I was anxious to be leaving school since I didn't know how they would react here, but I just couldn't stand this shit. My brain felt foggy and I wasn't thinking straight as I pushed the door open and headed out into the cool air.
My phone started to blow up with notifications and I just shut it off but not before seeing one message that made my blood boil.
Benjamin💘💕❤️: I'm sorry bro, I forgot to tell you about Maddison
I wanted to scream.
Maddison? The fuck.
And "bro" what happened to angel?
Bitch. bitch bitch bitch bitch.
I walked to a nearby park and sat down on one of the swings and went back and forth slowly. I closed my eyes and tried to find a peaceful state of mind.
What even just happened?
I tried to push all my thoughts away about Benji and that..girl, but It was hard. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by a face starting at me from a nearby tree. It startled me and the boy moved a bit closer and laughed. What was it with people sneaking up on me today?
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You just looked so handsome while swinging, I couldn't help but watch.." His voice trailed off, and he gave a smile "I'm Marcus" He moved even closer and sat down in the swing next to me.

I got a better look at him and could see his emerald green eyes, shielded slightly by his shaggy brown hair. He was gorgeous, maybe not Benji, but pretty damn close. I smiled. "I'm Jorge, but you can call me Jeyjey."

"Well hello, jeyjey. That's a cute name. What are you doing around here?" He questioned and I felt myself slightly blush at his compliment.

"Thank you, and I'm skipping, I go to waterridge high school, but shush," I laughed and he did a zip locking motion. "What about you?"

He pushed some of his hair out of his face, "I'm homeschooled, I live right over there so I come here occasionally to think when I have time." I looked to the direction he pointed at and nodded.

"Hey, this may be strange but can I get your number?" I inquired and watched as his face lit up. It was the cutest thing.

"Oh, yeah sure" I held out my phone and he took it entering his number then handed it back to me. I looked at what he saved his number as and laughed
"New Park skipping Buddy"

He was cute and funny. I couldn't help but think, this could be just what I needed. "Thanks, I should probably head back to my school now though, Lunch is almost started by now" I said and the boy nodded, understanding.

"It was nice meeting you jeyjey, text me later yeah?"

"Of course cutie" I winked and then waved goodbye as I started back towards the school.

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