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I trailed shyly behind my mother as we walked into the school. It was quiet for the most part because classes were in session, but I was still incredibly anxious somebody would see me. My mom walked to the office and we requested to sign up for classes and were given some papers then sent to another office. We filled it out there and talked with a few people before we were ready to leave. I barely listened the whole time things went down, I didn't want to hear it all. I started tomorrow.
The bell rang as we had left the office, I glanced at my mother and desperately tried to pull her so she'd go fast and we could get the fuck out. "Mama let's go, or else we'll get stuck in these wretched halls"

"Jeyjey slow down, you can look at the people for second, just walk normal. You won't die"
I huffed and stopped looking at her continuing to walk, but then crashed into somebody. I was more pushed and they more tripped, but we collided. I fell to the floor and immediately heard their voice rush to apologizes.

"Fuck I'm sorry, here let me help you up." The voice was familiar. Soft. Cute. I looked up and there was Benji. Just right there. I watched as his face turned into a shocked expression.
Was all he said. Before I got up and dashed out of the school. Why had he looked so disappointed? Did this mean they were going to school together? Shit.
Once I was out of the school I was close to breaking down. I went to the car and put my face in my hands, trying to hide the fact I was about to cry.
A few seconds later; I heard the car door open. Then my mother turning on the car and driving us home. It was the one thing I liked about her. Sometimes she just wouldn't ask. She knew she shouldn't. And she didn't.

Benji: Jorge, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to respond to seeing you like that. I'm really happy I got to see you today. Did you sign up for school here? Are you going?

Jorge🐟🌸: Idk Benji it sort of hurt badly. I don't? understand? I thought you'd be way more happier and I mean I didn't know you'd be there I guess but. Yeah whatever. And yes I suppose I have to right; I signed up. I start tomorrow.

Benji: I'm sorry Jorge. I didn't mean to come off that way. I'm really happy. It just..it hurt a bit for me too. Also I'm glad you're coming to my school.

Jorge🐟🌸: yeah i still don't get that tho benji?? what did i even do. nobody tells me shit.

Benji: I liked you, and then you said that text and it really hurt.

Jorge🐟🌸: past-tense? and what text?

Benji: Yes, past tense. And you don't remember? The one when you said, "He's just being weird and trying to get us into a relationship. But he should know that obviously won't work out. smh."

Jorge🐟🌸: Fuck I'm sorry.

Jorge🐟🌸: I didn't mean for it to be rude like that. I didn't mean that. shittt

Jorge🐟🌸: I gotta go and talk to syd, ttyl? maybe we can facetime?

Benji: yeah sounds good, ttyl

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