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Their eyes were as big as plates as they gaped at me. That actually looked quite funny if I was being honest.

"That's the second thing I lied about. That we were or are allowed to take contraceptives. Blaise doesn't care for his Bastards; they have no rights anyway. And Mothers are, for the most part, easier to control. Of course, there are those that despise their offspring just for existing, or for looking like Blaise and don't get me wrong, in some way I can understand why. Having a child is... challenging, especially when the Father doesn't care about it" I took a deep breath, "Anyway, Blaise house isn't High Fae, even though they let no one get away alive who actually points it out. They are Fire Drakes. I expected to be pregnant like mom, nine months, ten max if it had a lot of its Father. In reality I was pregnant for a solid seven years. And those seven years I was under lockdown, no assignments, the closest I came to freedom were chaperoned walks in the Palace garden. For seven years. But everyday that I could feel that little life growing inside of me... If I'm honest the lack of news and becoming a Mother... You suddenly seemed so far away, the task of saving you so unmanageable... What could I even do against a general of the Hyberian armies? I would just make everything worse for you. But for her" I suppressed a smile remembering the first time I felt her kick inside of me.

"I knew that I had to be better. No wallowing in self-pity anymore, no having fun while inflicting pain on innocents, I had to be better for her. It wasn't her fault that she was born to the wrong Mother at the wrong time. She deserved someone that would love her, someone that would be good and caring. But for that, she needed to grow up as far away from Blaise as I could get her.

For the next seven years, I schemed, used all my training on Blaise and his advisors until I could convince him to put the mistresses and personal pleasurers in one of the most outer parts of the palace. Since I had become a spy I had risen in the ranks and become a mistress, Blaise saw that as an honor, I as an opportunity.

He made me overseer of the mistresses. All of us are living in, well, little houses that are separated into apartments, three girls to one house. Thirteen girls in total, one house for the kids. As overseer I get a house for me and my daughter alone" the situation was far from ideal, but at least I had gotten everyone out of that male's grasp.

"The day she was born was simultaneously the best and worst day of my life. Giving birth is one of the most excruciating feelings ever, but when I saw her" I grinned because my daughter hadn't exactly been as happy to see me as I had been.

"She had wings" I giggled to myself, "She had wings and dark hair and, cauldron, she was- is so beautiful" now the tears started to flow over when I remembered her rosy little cheeks, those peacefully fluttering lids, at least when I finally got her to go to sleep.

"I gave her the name Myrina" I looked at them all, "I knew that if she wanted to survive in this world she had to be a warrior so I gave her an Illyrian name meaning warrior, obvious I know. No one expected her to have any power at all, seven years might've been long for me, but normal pregnancies under fire drakes, even half-ones, are around twelve years. They expected her to be weak and gangly.

But I had a feeling. She was the grandchild of a High Lord and the daughter of Crown prince; I couldn't take that chance. So I paid a witch a lot of money to quietly make me an amulet that would mask her powers. There is a simple rule for Blaise's offspring; if they have enough power to rival him or one of his legitimate offspring, they're killed, no questions asked.

I couldn't let that happen, if there was even the slightest chance, I couldn't let them get near her. So I had that amulet made and never let her take it off. Until about two months ago.

To understand, you might think, pfft that was fifty years ago, isn't Rina old enough to look out for herself by now? No. She's about this tall" I hold up a hand to my hip, "And acts like an Illyrian at ten years old, not a euphemism for she acts like a brat, she is still a child. She was five by the time she got out of her diapers and twenty by the time she got to Canna's kind of understanding of the world.

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