Chapter 1: "Comets"

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It was the night of the day I had sent Mon-el away. I felt broken but I knew it was the right thing to do, I had to protect the people. I was looking at a photo booth picture of Mon-El and I, when all of a sudden i heard a knock on the door.

"Kara it's me Alex... I know you can see me." 

" I brought pot-stickers you're favorite, Kara open this door...please?" She says.

I went to open the door not because I wanted to talk, but for some weird reason I had a huge craving for pot-stickers that I couldn't turn down. 

"What do you want?" I say in a very unpleasant voice. 

" I've been worried sick for you, you aren't answering my calls." At this time Alex had made her way in the loft, setting the box of pot-stickers on the kitchen island.  I take the box and make my way to the couch, without saying anything. "Kara? Talk to me...How can I help you feel better?" Says Alex. I stayed silent for a minute till I finally say, " Space." Alex looked at me, she had a worry/ sad look on her face.

She was going to say something when all of a sudden I went running to the bathroom throwing up till my stomach was completely empty. " O my gosh Kara are you okay?" Alex said while pulling my hair out of my face. At that moment all I could say was "What just happened?".

" I don't know, but I think we should take you to the DEO!" Alex says in a worried voice.

---------- AT THE DEO----------

I was laying inside the Med-bay till I get my test results, at this time I thought it was just a solar flare and that I was fine. Alex walked in with a shocked face, "Alex? What did the test say?" Alex looked like she was speechless, but at the same a face expression of excitement. A few seconds passed when Alex sat at the end of the bed holding my hand. She started to speak " Sooo... I got the test results back and I have no idea how you are going to react!". "Alex what is it?" I said already being inpatient. 

"Kara you are going to be a mother!!" Alex says in a exited tone.

A tear stared to run down my cheek, I wasn't sure how to react I didn't know if it was a tear of happiness or a tear of sadness. "Kara?... Aren't you happy?" Alex says. " I'm not ready to become a mother Alex! Especially now that Mon-el is gone!" I say while more tears start to roll down my cheek. " Awwee... Kara this is a good thing, Mon-el left you a little gift behind to always remember him and don't worry i'm sure that you will be a great mommy!" Alex says while giving me a hug. All i could say was " How am I going to raise a child alone, a child that won't grow up with a father figure to look up too." I said half crying. "Kara you are not alone you have me, Lena, J'onn, Winn, James and so many more people." At this time I felt a little better with just thinking of having a child with the man that I love, even if he wasn't there to help me through it.

---------- TIME JUMP ---------- NINE MONTHS LATER ----------

" KARA!! You are going to be fine just breathe in and out" Alex says panicking. I breath in and out, as I was being rushed into the Med-bay. At this time I was panicking I had no idea if i was going to give labor to my little baby girl today, but all I could focus on was the pain, but also the thought of giving labor without Mon-el right by my side cheering me on." 

----------- 5 hours later -----------

I heard the most wonderful thing, a little girl crying. Alex passed me my little baby girl, she laid her on my chest. Her hair was a little darker then mine, but lighter than her daddy's. She had bright blue eyes like "comets". " Kara she's beautiful, just like her mama!" Alex had said in an amazed voice. " She is isn't she, she looks just like her dad only with eyes like "comets! My little Alura Elle Matthews Danvers!" I say.


On the next chapter there will be a huge time jump, instead of 7 months it will be 7 years later for both Kara and Mon-el!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter the next chapter will come out very very soon. Let me know what you guys thing down at the comments. No worry's Mon-el will come out on the next chapter, from there the story line with be the same as the original show!  


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