Chapter 6: "Monney!"

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II Okay so Alura will be the only child! II But in this story Imra won't give up Mon-el so easily, she in love with him! II This is just to add a little drama into the story! II

~Mon-el's POV~

Kara seemed very nervous of what she had to tell me, while Alura was just standing next to Kara with her bright blue eyes with a beautiful smile on her face. To be honest I was pretty scared of what Kara was going to tell me was it something bad?

"Kara what is it?"

"Well... Long story short-" 


"Reign is attaching again we gotta go!"

"Alura stay here okay, stay with Mon-el!"

"Wait Kara I gotta go help you Reign!"

"The hell you are! This is my fight and I have to end it! And please don't come after me!"

That's when Kara went out to go fight Reign, while I was alone with little worried-scared Alura. I carried her out and went to the main room to find Winn, Alex, Imra, and other agents looking at the screens. When I turned and saw them I saw hopeless, hurt Kara being dropped from a tall building. I saw Alura start sobbing I couldn't help but give her a big soothing tight hug.

"Hurry we need to go get her!!!" Alex started yelling.

While everyone was preparing to attend Kara when they brought her, I was holding Alura tightly while she was resting her head on my shoulder. "Alura everything is going to be okay." " I don't want anything bad to happen to my mommy!" She said while her voice was cracking. At that moment we heard that Supergirl was in the Med-bay, I left Alura in the main room sitting while I came back. When I entered the Med-bay with Imra I saw Kara's body lying there hopeless, she was bleeding everywhere! Thats when I heard small footsteps behind me.

"Mommy!" Alura said now crying.

"Can someone please take her out please, I don't want her to see her mom like this!" Alex said.

"I would" I said scooping Alura out and walking out of the Med-bay.

"I-i-is my mo-mo-mommy going to die?"

"Of course she's not going to die because shes Supergirl and shes really really strong okay!"

"O-o-okay. Bu-but shes really hurt!"

"Yeah, but she going to be okay really soon!"

It's been a couple hours since Kara was being taken care of. I was really late and I can tell Alura was struggling to keep her eyes open. That's when Alex came up to me.

"Kara will be okay we have her stabilized but we don't know when she will wake up, It could be days,weeks, months, even years. But I'm going to take Alura back to my apartment to get some rest."  At this point Alura shot back up and started to hold me tighter and yelling.

"NO no no! I want to stay with Mon-el!!"

"Alura I have to take you with me to take some rest and also Mon-el must be very tired!"

"I don't want to go with you I want to stay with Monney!

"Alex it's fine, I can take care of her."

"Are you sure? Alura can be a handful sometimes!"

"Yeah i'm sure!"

"Okay, Mon-el i'm trusting you to take care of her!"

"Can we go to your Legion ship?" Alura said

"how do you know about my ship?"

"My mommy told me about it."

"Ohh okay I will take you with me but we gotta wait on Imra or she might already be there."

"Okay! I have my back pack my mommy always puts my jammies in their just in case."

We grab her bag and head out to the Legion Ship, we go to my and Imra's room to find her sitting their holding a smart phone.

"Ohh hi! Oh and who is this cutie!"

"This is Alura Kara's daughter, she refused to go with anybody, she just wanted to stay with me so I had to bring her!"

"Ohh okay well nice to meet Alura i'm Imra!"

"Nice to meet you Imra! Monney where can I change into my jammies?"

"Ohh you can change right in here!" I said

"Awwee she calls you Monney I love ittt!" Imra said laughing.

I couldn't help but to smile. Alura eventually came out with her unicorn jammies as she calls it, and then she just lied in the middle of Imra and I. She scooted closer to me and then fell asleep. I couldn't fall asleep to I just absorbed Alura features and how she looked a little like her mom, but also other features like her lips they we alike to mine and her hair was the this beautiful brown with a tint of blond color. I saw as she was sleeping she furrowed he eyebrows and had the same little crinkle like Kara's or like I like to call it "The Crinkle". A few minutes later I had fallen asleep with Alura in my arms also asleep without even knowing it.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you guys thing by commenting below!❤


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