Chapter 3: "wife?"

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We took Mon-el back to the DEO , for him him to rest while they ran some tests on him. I pulled a stool up to him and was holding his hand tight. I never wanted to let go, but then I remembered that I had to go pick up Alura form Lena's house.



"I forgot I had to go to Lena's house to do something, but when i'm done I will be back as soon has possible!" I said. I wanted to tell him about our daughter, but I had to talk to Alura about everything. Also I wanted to tell him when he was well rested.

"Okay that's fine, also when you come back I have to tell you something!"

"Me too" I said, while I kissed his hand.

"Bye! I will see you later to talk." 

"Bye." He said waving his hand. I waved my hand back. 

---------- Mon-el's Point of Veiw ----------

When I saw that Kara was out of sight, all I could think of was getting back on my ship! I had to make sure everything was alright with the rest of the passengers, but there was one in particular and her name was Imra. Even though my feelings for Kara were still there I was deter-mend to bury those feelings. I couldn't be able to betray Imra like that when all she's  done was help me.

---------- Kara's Point of View ---------- 

When I picked Alura up I went straight to the DEO because they said that there was a problem with Mon-el. I had to take Alura with me and asked Dana to take care of here while I went to see what was happening. At this time I hadn't got a chance to talk to Alura so i specifically told everyone to not talk about here father t'ill I talked to her first!

"Alex! What's going on?"

"Kara thank god your here! Your're not going to like what I have to tell you!"

"What what happened?" I said being confused.

"Okay well we caught Mon-el trying to steal something from the DEO, and he attacked two agents!"

"What!! Where is he now?"

"Well he was in a cell be then he got out with the help of somebody and we think he went back to the ship!"

"Okay! Thanks for telling we Alex!

At this moment I was to confused, I had no idea what was going on? The only thing that I do know is that I was getting on the ship! When I got in I wondered around t'ill I saw Winn and Mon-el.

"Whats going on here!" I said raising my voice!

"Kara what are you doing down here?"

"Well I heard that you broke in into the DEO and attached to agents!"

He just stared at me without saying anything.

"I don't believe you answered my question! Whats going on!" At this point I was irritated that no one was saying anything. Winn was just standing there trying to stay out of what was going on.

"Why does it matter! I'm not your problem anymore!" 

"How can you say that!" At this point tears started to form in my eyes.

"Well it's been seven years Kara! We've all changed even you! Mon-el said in an annoyed voice.

" And do you want to know why I changed so much!!" At this point I started to sob while yelling at Mon-el.

He came closer and just said "Why?" I could tell he was really annoyed but, I didn't know why.

I was going to tell him about our daughter, but them the panels started to alert. I can tell Mon-el was trying his best to fix it. Then he looked at one of the chambers!

"Ohh noo!" 

"What was happening?" I asked.

"She's drowning! I can't break the glass!"

"Stand back!" I said moving Mon-el to the side so i can punch the glass. Mon-el quickly caught a woman. She was still alive. She had short dark hair she was really pretty. We took her up to the DEO to make sure she was okay.

I saw Mon-el staring at the city while he was on the balcony. I then went to accompany him!

"Kara i'm really sorry for everything! I didn't want to cause any trouble!"

"It's fine!

" You said you had to tell something really important? What is it?"

"Yeah umm... when you left-" I was about to tell him everything, but the lady from the chambers cut me off.



Mon-el went up to her and had kissed her. When saw him kiss another women my heart stopped, I was broken! He then finally noticed I was still there and looked at me with embarrassment in his eyes. 

" Umm Imra this is Kara Danvers...Supergirl and um Kara this is Imra Ardeen... my wife!


Chapter 4 will come out maybe tomorrow but no promises!

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