Cranky Love (Pt. 2)

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You woke up to someone shaking you and shouting, but you couldn't actually focus. You were dizzy, and it was hard for you to open your eyes. When you finally peeled your eyes open for a few seconds, you saw faces hovering over you. You tried to get up, but you could barely keep your eyes open.

You were able to focus enough to hear some of the things that were being said.

"(Y/n) can you hear me!" That was Minho.

"What's wrong with her," Thomas.

"(Y/n), love, wake up please!" That was definitely Newt.

You were able to gather just enough strength to keep your eyes open, and look around at all of the faces hovering over you. Your gaze landed on Newt and you panted, "It's getting worse."

"Wait what's getting worse," Minho asked in a concerned tone.

"Newt what the shucks she talking about," Winston this time.

Your eyes had closed again, so you couldn't see what was happening, only hear what they were saying. You were still panting, and you were super dizzy.

You felt someone pull the sleeve of your shirt up and everyone gasped. You couldn't see how bad it was, but you could feel the throbbing pulse going through your arm, and spreading to other parts of your body.

Suddenly you start coughing, and it sends a sharp pain through your body. You roll onto your side, and cough up a thick mucus onto the ground. You opened your eyes enough to see that it was thick black blood.

You rolled onto your back and looked up at Newt with half lidded eyes. "Newt-" you whispered breathlessly because you were having trouble breathing.

"No. Your gonna be fine. I don't bloody care if I have to carry you on my own until we find the Right Arm, but you are gonna make it," Newt stated, but you couldn't tell if it was more for you or him.

"Newt don-" But you were cut off by him picking you up off the ground bridal style.

Your body was limp in his arms, and you were trying to protest through half lidded eyes. "Newt don't. I'll only slow you down," you whispered. "Just leave-" But you were cut off again.

"No (Y/n)!" He shouted at you. "I'm not leaving you behind," he said in a softer tone.

You couldn't have protested again even if you had wanted to. You were to tired and to dizzy.

Time Skip my fellow Cranks

You don't know how long Newt was carrying you for, or how long you were just hanging limply in his arms. You had no sense of time, not even being able to tell day from night, but your condition was getting worse. There was a constant throbbing pain through out your body, and you felt as though you were losing your mind. Multiple times you turned your head to the side to cough up more thick black blood, but Newt never set you down, or took a break from carrying you.

After feeling the hot sun on your skin for hours, you felt shade over your body, and no matter how hard you tried, you didn't have the strength or energy to open your eyes to see the cause of it. Suddenly your body was dropped. You fell to the hard rocky ground with a groan. You heard screams and shouts, but the most prominent sound was of guns being cocked.

After some more shouts, you felt someone's arms wrap around you, and they leaned you up so you were leaning against them in a sitting position. Then you heard Newts voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

"I love you so much. Everything's gonna be ok. Just hold on a little longer. Your gonna be fine."

You heard a woman's voice shout over everything else. After a few minutes, you were being picked up again. You were having that insane feeling in your head again after a few minutes of being carried, like you were going to lose your mind sometime soon.

You started shaking and thrashing in the persons arms, and that's when your body was dropped onto a cot, and you felt people pinning your arms and legs down. You started screaming because you didn't know what was going on, and you couldn't control yourself.

That's when, again, you heard Newts soft accented voice in your ear. It seemed to be the only sound making it through to your head, other than your uncontrollable screams.

"Love it's ok. It's ok your going to be fine. Just focus on my voice. Try to calm down. Come on just focus. Its almost over. Your going to be fine."

You felt a prick in your arm, and it all slowly faded away. The pain. The thrashing and screaming. Feeling like you couldn't control anything. It all went away, and you fell asleep from the feeling of being at peace.

Another Time Skip because I'm the one writing the story so I can

You woke up with a groan. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, and it took you a minute to get your eyes to focus in the bright light. When you could keep your eyes open, you tried to sit up while resting yourself on your elbows. Before you could actually sit all the way up though, you felt someone wrap their arms around you tightly.

"Oh my god, love. I'm so glad your ok." You could tell by the accent that it was Newt.

You did your best to wrap your arms around him to, and that's when you saw the white bandage wrapped around your arm.

"What happened," you asked in a raspy voice after he let go of you. He helped you sit up and dangle your feet off the side of the cot, and then sat down right next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. You rested your head on his shoulder, feeling exhausted just from sitting up.

"We were walking for about two days. We walked up to this road, and we kinda just followed it until we ran into some more people," he was talking in a sad tone as if something terrible was about to happen. "They rounded us up, and when they saw you, some of their guards grabbed me, and made me drop you. Everyone was aiming their guns at you, so Thomas and Minho jumped in front of them, and I got away from the guards and ran up to you. Thomas and Minho were telling them that you weren't dangerous yet. Then a lady who used to work for WICKED got everyone to lower their guns, and had me carry you to a tent, and had Thomas come along. That's when you started thrashing and screaming, so me and another guard had to hold you down. And if I ever had any doubts before, I definitely know now that you are stronger than most of the shanks in the Glade," you tried to laugh, but it came out in a single huff.

"Then she gave you some sort of a temporary cure, and now you've been out for about two days," he continued.

You jumped up out of the cot and looked at him with wide eyes. "Two days!?" Just the thought of being out for two days made you feel dizzy. Wait that's not from me being out for two days, you thought to yourself. Suddenly you started tipping to your side, and Newt had to jump up and catch you.

"Woah. Calm down. Your ok. Your safe. Nothings gonna happen to you," he whispered to you as he laid you back down on the cot. Without needing to ask, he crawled in right behind you, and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest. You held his hands in yours as you started to shake slightly from everything that you just found out.

"Shhh. It's ok. Shhh," he mumbled into your hair. He tightened his arms around you, and you stopped shaking. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down, and you just laid there in his arms.

"I love you," Newt whispered in your ear, and softly kissed the back of your neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses from one side to the other. You snuggled deeper into him while taking another deep breath.

That's when you realized that he was right. Everything would be fine. You would both be ok as long as you had the other. That no matter what happened, in the end, you would both be safe, and just the thought made you happier than ever.

"I love you to," you whispered back before you fell into a deep dream-filled sleep. You saw you and Newt just sitting on the beach in a paradise that could only be imagined, but you knew that that's where you two would end up, and you couldn't wait for your dreams to become reality.

Hey guys! So I ended up making a part two of Cranky Love, and I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it. I didn't really have a plan of where I wanted it to go, I just had an idea for the beginning. IDK tell me what you thought in the comments. Also send requests! I want to know what you guys want to read, so please tell me, and I'll do my best to write it.
Anyways peace out for now shanks. Love you all!

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