what i want

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i want you 

to like me,

to tell me again

in that sweet voice

that you like me,

that you want to 

be with me as 

you read the poetry

you wrote me,

the only way you

could find to tell

me how you feel,

all of it, the love and

the confusion, and 

i smiled into the 

phone and tried

to ignore the

growing ache in

my soul as i told

you i understood

and i did, i do 

understand, i know,

but i bite my tongue

i don't tell you 

my truth, don't tell 

you what i want

and i want you to

hug me again

and i want you to

hold my hand

like i tried to before

but you couldn't do it

your mind was only

on my fingers intertwined

with yours and you blushed

and stuttered and i 

felt a thrill i've never

felt before and i want

to feel that again

but i want you to

keep holding me

and not let go,

i want you to 

want me, all

of me. please

don't let go.

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