it's what i deserve.

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i deserve more

than what you've

given me, these

strange crumbs

of what, i don't 

know, i can't figure

it out and neither

can you so i'm

stuck standing

here like a fucking

idiot, holding dust

as you continue

to text me and

smile at me and

brush your hand

across mine and

you say, "i miss you" 

and i say, "me too" and

i wonder how you

mean it because 

i know how i

mean it but you

can't even figure out

what you're feeding

me so how would you

know what you mean.

one day i'll tell you

how i really feel,

what i really feel about

these goddamn crumbs 

and how much i fucking

hate them and it makes me

want to shake you and scream

and i'm tired of being 

understanding and passive

and shit and i just want to 

know what's really truly in

your mind because i don't

deserve to be left hanging

like this. if you really like me,

release me from this 


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