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Six years and 10 months.

It took me almost seven years to finally type the words 'END OF BOOK'. It frustrated me big time and I know you too. This book was originally planned to be a teen werewolf romance. I don't have any idea how it turned out to be so dark and complicated. Lol. I didn't even expect this story to have million reads.

I'm beyond grateful that YOU who have invested your 7 years with me - who witnessed how this book changed title from "My Assassin Mate" to "Taint Time and Tangents", who knew that my account at one point got hacked and deleted, who have seen all the covers of this book, who have been disappointed for I do not update at my promised time, who had read ALL my author's notes before I deleted them and who had read that very explicit content of Phoebe and Zeke (something I regret writing). I'm beyond grateful to YOU who have been waiting for my once-a-year update... seriously, thank you.

I have read so many books, watched so many movies and dramas that I have always wanted to finish writing a book ever since I was young but failed to do so because of my other priorities in life. Thank you for being with me as I ticked that one item in my bucket list in life.

This book holds a very special place in my heart. The story of Callie and Zeke is both happy and sad for me. They've been through a lot and yet they were given this ending. (I know the feeling of an ending with someone dying or leaving... but with one of the leads having a second love is another story.)

I've mentioned this before, the ending is what I originally intended it to be. I know most of you are confused/bewildered/ shocked at the ending. Maybe even hates me because they don't deserve that. I know and I feel you. But this book is I think a mere representation of a love that so ideal and selfless but still given a sad ending. This book is for those who have invested years for a love that will eventually just end and be replaced.

Again, I intended it to be that way. I've also said this before in, I aim for an unforgettable book. And obviously, it's because I'm a sucker for sad endings.

For some of you who predicted it will be this way but still stuck with me until the end, hoping I would change my mind. Again, I'm really sorry.

If you have any more questions, you can ask them here and I will answer. I also have some interesting facts and side stories at, you can read it anytime if you miss these two 😊

For future plans:

Maybe I'll be re-uploading this book after editing BIGTIME (like grammars and plotholes) with additional extra chapters (?). Because I've been updating rarely, I think I've forgotten some tiny points leading to my inconsistencies. I will appreciate if you would point them out here for future references.


Maybe I'll write an alternate ending? (Kidding!) Although you can submit me one if you want to. I would love to read it and maybe upload it to share with others.


I'll write a side story. Maybe Kade and Two's lovestory? Phoebe and Jace? Me and Zeke? LOL

    (And no, I will NEVER write Leslie's and Zeke's.)


I'll write another story. But not a werewolf one anymore.


Maybe I'll just hang out at wattpad and just be a reader again. Hehe

I don't really know. I do everything in a whim so I have no idea what to do. But for now, I'm still in cloud NINE knowing I had finished a story. Hihi.

Anyway, I hope you had a good time reading . Here's lots of love from Ezekiel and Nine. And more love love love from me❤️❤️❤️

Now signing off, 

                  yannah 💋

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