EXTRA 6. The Hamster

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∞HAMMY, the hamster

I love my owner. He always bathes me, feeds me and cleans my house. He just bought me a year ago but I feel like I've been with him for eternity. He was nice and very neat... very very neat. Although sometimes I think he just bought me because he was lonely.

As I have watched him for an entire year, I've already memorized his routine. The first thing he would do every morning is to shower. Then he would exercise and have breakfast. He would again shower and prepare for work. I would be left here the whole day alone but not before he has provided me with all my needs and bathed me. On the evening, once he gets home, he would again shower then read some papers, talk to the phone then he will sleep. Sometimes he would get up in the middle of the night and he would go to his mini-bar and drink wine. He would watch TV or go to the balcony and get some air. He well then again sleep. But if it's summer, he would again shower before hitting the sack. In a day, he had probably consumed an entire month of water supply. 

But I still love him.

Strangely though, for almost a year now, no one has entered his room, not even a maid. Perhaps because he always clean... and clean and clean. So most of the times, I'm left on my cage to sleep, eat and run on my wheels.

However, this past few weeks, something was odd about him. He was more awake than asleep and he would always turn in his bed. He was drinking more often at night and he took showers three or four times a day.

And the weirdest thing happened one night. 

I was awakened from my slumber because I heard him make sounds. I looked at him and he was stirring on his bed, breathing so hard. He was moaning a name. If not for his head buried on the pillow, I would have heard him clearly.

Ellie? Sally? I couldn't understand.

It lasted for a few minutes before he jolted up shouting the name "Callie". He was sweating profusely and he was panting. If the lights were on, I know he would be beet red. I saw him look around, probably establishing his bearings. When he had calmed down, I saw him peered under his covers. He then cursed and grabbed tissues, a lot of them, and wiped something. He then stood up and threw them away, including his sheets. He took a shower – a lot longer this time - and went back to bed.

I figured out, my owner's life is really lonely.

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