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Luna wakes up and sees Alaric with his crossbow

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Luna wakes up and sees Alaric with his crossbow. She looks around and doesn't recognize where she is. Luna tries moving but realizes that she is tied down. Once she tries moving her wrist it starts to burn her skin.

"Good, you're awake" Alaric says standing right in front of her.

"Where am I? Why the hell am I tied to this chair?" She said, looking down at the chair.

"You know why you're here. You lied to me about what you really are. How could I have been so foolish to allow you inside the school" Alaric yells furious at Luna.

Right when Luna was about to talk in walked the Mikaelson family. They all look at her then Alaric and they are curious as to why they are here.

"Alaric on behalf of me and my family. Why have you called us here? I know for fact that it wasn't for a quick catch up" Klaus says to Alaric.

"Why is she tied up?" Hayley asked, pointing to Luna.

"Here why she tied up" Alaric says while pulling out a knife and cutting his palm causing blood to drip. It's been a while since she has last fed. The family watched as Luna's face started changing, revealing her yellow eyes and her fangs. The family were just as shocked when Alaric found out.

"Yeah I liked to know which one of you turned her" Alaric says facing Hope and Klaus.

"Well it wasn't me I just met her. Dad?" Hope says facing Klaus as does everybody faces Klaus.

"Well it wasn't me, love. I only just met the girl," Klaus said looking at Hope.

"Well it has to be someone because only Klaus and Hope blood can turn werewolves in hybrids" Alaric says pointing out what is true.

Klaus comes right in front of Luna kneeling down "All right love why don't you tell us how you became a hybrid because I know for sure Hope and I never met you before and it's quite impossible for you to become a hybrid without our blood. The only two hybrids in the world are Hayley and I," Klaus told Luna. "I really don't know but even if I could I wouldn't be able to tell you as you can see these ropes are burning my skin and it's hard to move"

"Why does it burn every time I move my wrist?"

"You see these ropes are laced with vervain and wolfsbane. Since you're both a vampire and werewolf neither one can keep you down but both together can cause severe pain" Alaric tells Luna explaining the ropes around her wrist.

Hope come in front of Luna "Come on Luna you have to tell the truth if you want to be free"

"Okay I'll tell you the truth on two conditions. One you free me from these burning ropes and I won't leave. Two I need blood it's been more than two week since I last had blood"

"Okay fine I can work with that" Alaric said

"Freya ,Do you mind putting a protection spell around the room so she won't get out until we discuss further matters regarding Miss Martinez" Alaric asked Freya and she nodded

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