𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 13

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Luna makes her way back to the cell wanting answers

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Luna makes her way back to the cell wanting answers. "Back for more?" The Necromancer asked her.

"Tell me where my father is," Luna yelled, going to the front of the cell door.

"I will tell you everything you want to know, but wouldn't you like to hear about what I've just learned of Malivore first?" he says and Luna takes a seat in the chair.

"After I left you, I returned to the scene of my death. I saw a shadow. I felt a searing pain. And when I looked down, there was a knife in my heart and emptiness all around me"

"A knife?"

"The knife. Interestingly enough, that which I seek is that which did me in. You've got to understand, to be killed by such a trifle of an object... I was curious as to its power, so I jumped out of my subconscious and summoned the spirit of the man who forged the knife in the first place" The Necromancer said to her.

"You left me in there on purpose?" Luna said through her teeth.

"Oh, I had worked to do, and you had lessons to learn. From this man, I heard the remarkable story of Malivore, created to wipe the scourge of the supernatural off the face of this Earth. Malivore consumed us, erased us. It was permanent death. And it was in Malivore that we were left to perish. Until recently, when the knife started beckoning us to bring it home"

"But why a knife? What makes it so special?" Luna asked him.

"Decades ago, Malivore was contained. Three locks created to seal Malivore shut. The knife is one of those locks. When all three locks return home, Malivore is free to open its jaws of death once again."

"What does that even mean? I'm so confused" Luna tells him.

"Oh, my dear... ...let's just hope you're not still alive to find out"

"So let me get this straight. You left me inside your freaky twisted mindscape so you could... what? Stall me?" Luna says rudely.

"My apologies for the melodrama, but I needed to buy myself some time to talk to some dead knife maker. That, and to retrieve the knife your friend Dorian had hidden behind the stacks in the library"

"What? How did you know?" Luna asked him concerned.

"Because while you were trapped in just a small semblance of the blackness I suffered, experiencing just an ounce of my agony, I was busy doing what I do best, controlling the dead" he said

"I don't understand."

"The answer, my darling, is yes. I was stalling you. Just as I'm stalling you now." The Necromancer said and Luna quickly stood up.

"Did you know that there's a lot of Bennett witches buried in the local cemetery that excel in the art of mystical transportation? I summoned a little help to ensure the knife returned to Malivore quickly and without incident".

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