𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 14

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I get bored so i make edits. So every chapter I'm gonna include the one I make

Today is the day Luna is going to despise; she has to see Lucas everyday at school which she is going to loathe

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Today is the day Luna is going to despise; she has to see Lucas everyday at school which she is going to loathe. Luna is currently in the common rooms with Jed and Hope.

"So you're telling me, he just enrolled like that. I thought he was human" Hope said with annoyance in her voice.

"No sadly he is a vampire he turned like sixty years ago. That's the only way to enroll at the school is being a vampire, werewolf, witch or some kind of supernatural but he is a teenager forever. I thought being at this school would be a blessing but it just turned into a curse" Luna somewhat yells the last part and everyone looks at her then nods.

"Damn sorry Luna but not only is your boyfriend at the school but so is your ex. I would hate to be in your shoe" Hope says and Luna completely agrees. It's going to be hell to have Lucas and Jed in the same place.

"Well that won't happen because I'm the only guy she needs in her life. She stuck with me, "Jed said while wrapping his arm around Luna's waist. A piece of paper floats in the sky and falls in Luna lap.

Luna opened the paper reading what it said.

Luna Mikaelson to the headmaster office......Alone - Dr. Saltzman

After reading it Luna stands up. "What is it for?" Jed asked, looking somewhat concerned.

"Just need to go to Alaric office. I will meet you when I'm done" Luna says and kisses him then says goodbye to Hope. Outside his office Luna can hear Alaric talking to somebody but she doesn't know who it is. Alaric has a spell on the office so no one can hear the conversation he has with others.

"What do you need Ric?" Luna says walking in. She sees him talking to Lucas.

"I mean Dr. Saltzman," Luna corrects herself.

"There you are. Luna Mikaelson this is Lucas Castle. He a vampire and a new student transfer from...San Antonio, Texas" Alaric says to her. Luna sneaks a small glare at Lucas. Lucas just smiles at her in return.

"Luna, I'd like for you to show him around," Alaric continued. Luna was wondering if Alaric was joking.

"Me? Are you sure? Don't you want someone who's been going here longer? Like Hope or your daughters. I can go get MG"

"I'm sure you'll do just fine. Hey you're both from Texas, so you have something in common" Alaric says with a smile to Luna. 

"Yay note the sarcasm Dr. Saltzman" Luna said giving him a rude look.

"Let's go, new boy," Luna says with rudeness in her voice then turns away from the pair.

"Is she always this sarcastic?" Lucas asked Alaric.

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