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Esperanza's pov

"I am sorry. I..." I sputtered out the words which were coated with a tremble. My whole system shuddered with the utmost fear and terror. I couldn't, no- I don't want to acknowledge the actuality.

This is your fault. Reimburse for your wickedness.

They were right. I should have known. I should have. I shouldn't have dreamt for a family. It is a sheer-wild-deceit, an idle fantasy that I created for my own self.

But... But I am a human too. I have a soul too, aren't l? Then, why? Why my life is reaping additional problems and sorrows.

In front of me, the guy who promised that he will give me a family, love and happiness.

He is dead with a pool of blood surrounding him. Looking like a nitwit that he is.

Yeah, for striving to help a lost case like you. My mind mocked at me.

Why am I not calling the police or at least an ambulance?. Well, this may not be the first moment, something like homicide has happened in this home. Maybe this is the third time I am witnessing a death. The only disagreement is that it never happened in my absence.

I made a fool out of myself to the point where I don't find this act repulsive. This is more of tremor and disappointment to me.

Have you ever had this sentiment? You know you would be waiting for that one wish for a while. It doesn't matter, whether it was for a day or a month, whatever. When everything was in your favour but just a single component that forbids that wish from happening. You know the negativity, the hopelessness that you will feel will make you wish that you never wished.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

I don't have to do anything. I just simply have to go and take a nap. Then, there won't be any corpse in the morning. I have always been bothered with this recurring. I went to the authority and all. But never once I was considered as a mentally intact human. They never took any action except recommending some psychiatrist to me.

I  have never felt loved before. Until Shawn came into my life. Promised something that he would never be able to fulfil.


I tested his name on my tongue. I always wanted to do that. To call him that. I often wondered whether our relationship will be like a rat and cat or sweet yet protective. But I never got a chance to find out.

Nevertheless, I can't name this as love. But, I felt something for him.

With this inner turmoil, thoughts pricking and scratching my mind. Heart, stuck in between feeling the guilt, emotions and pain. I moved towards my room.

Tomorrow I will be again troubled in concluding whether am I crazy or my life is.

They say love can heal all. Nonetheless, love is the tabooed thing in my very existence of this lifetime.

As always the murderer left an iris flower near the corpse.

Always remember to see the world in a different flicker, it may not be what it seems like. Everything happens for a reason.

My foot.

I never harmed anyone. I don't even know anyone to harm them. I have always felt the need to be with Someone. Anyone. Being alone no-feeling isolated is what no one can bear.

Humans are social animals.

Regardless, I never had a person to interact. To make jokes. To laugh at something. To take care. To respect. To love. To show my achievements and be proud of it.

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