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Esperanza's pov

Maybe, the killer is innocent. Who knows?...he might be avenging his mother's death or something like that. I really am dreading about future events.

I wish that my idea works. They say there is a superior power that helps all the creatures in this world. I am confident to say that I am one of them. So he will help me.

With these thoughts, I picked up the pen that is on the floor and opened my clenched fist where the beautiful paper is there.

I tried to smoothen the paper which was crumpled due to my clenching.

As the paper was nearly soft, I took a deep breath.

Ok! You can do it!

Hi! I wrote pathetically. Can't believe I said "hi "to the killer.


I wrote the following in that paper:

Hi! You are sorry? Well, you should be. Look, I am very d-decent. That is why I am asking instead of doing any stupid kinds of stuff. Since you are murdering people here, I m-mean you might find this place comfortable or something. So, shall I leave this place? It is for your own good. You don't have to kill me, I will simply leave without causing many dramas. Again, it is for your own good. I don't want to disturb your private affairs.
Your's obediently,

With the paper that I tore from my book, I wrapped it.

I took a transparent adhesive tape and scissors from my nearby draw and went to my hall.

I went to the place, the exact same place where the murders took place.

I kneeled near that place and traced that particular spot with my trembling fingers.

Gulping down the saliva, I started sellotaping the paper to the tiles. I made sure they are pasted well by placing my hands on top of them making sure they are taped well.

I got up and dusted off the unseen dirt on my pants.

I looked at my hands and thought to myself, You might be the first hands to write a letter to a killer. You should be proud. Tomorrow, I might not have you in my body. So, it is better to be grateful now. Thanks for being attached to my body for a long time and I love you.

I don't know how the killer will take this. Why do I have to do this? Is it worth it?

If I get my freedom, then yes. If I am going to die, the no.

Well, Esper, don't worry. I don't care whether he reads it or not. My primal instinct is to survive but my heart's desire is to live.

I have already done the deed so no more worrying. It might be my last day on this planet.

The cherry on top, it is my weekend for the next two days. I will be here, in this mansion for two consecutive days. Can my story get any better?

The least I could have done was replying him after the weekend. But, of course, I have to play my role satisfactorily like an idiot.

In this small town, I was always considered as a freak. More specifically, a person who brings death. So everybody here fears me. But I like to tell myself that they don't fear me rather they find me amusing.

Only the family of the victims know that their family member is dead. Because this serial killer has never been in any of the headlines. Only their family mourned for it.

I still remember, when the second death happened. I told the boys mum that his son is dead. She slapped me and asked me to never step on to her home.

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