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Esperanza's pov

The moon is smiling at me. Due to terror, I didn't have food throughout the day. I locked myself inside the room and didn't bother to come out.

The letter is not here and I am alive. So, that is a good sign.

I looked around frantically searching for- I don't really know. My search came to an end with me gazing at the spot.

My breath came as erratic pants. I gulped down my spit to soothe my nervousness.

I walked slowly towards the spot, before I know I started running towards my room. That is when I realised  I am scared to the point my hands are shivering.

Should I sleep and pretend as nothing happened? Shall I just go down and check again?

I decided to go to the other room and clean the trash to distract myself. I scratched the back of my hand by the other one. I always do that when I am I am feeling something extremely.

I initiated the walk to that room.

I carefully opened that room. I peeked inside. To my astonishment, I saw the room clean. There is no Spilled grey colour power. There is no blood and there are no jars.

The room looked so perfect, I could see my face on the floor. What the hell!

This room looks so......fantabulous.

There is a bed in the middle with a mirror opposite to that, just beside where I am standing. There are two tables. One small table near the bed and another long table very close to the right wall. And the top of that, this room smells divine.

With a smile, I looked up. Only to wipe that smile off of my face, there are irises inside the flower holder attached to the wall.

In between the flowers, I saw the letter. I went inside the room. I climbed on to the table and reached for the letter.

Just a bit more, Esper. Just a bit- yeah! I got it!

I sat on the table and examined the letter. As always there the name lay-
DrystanI opened  and it said:


I know what it means. I can't escape this stupid mansion. He doesn't even have the decency to say why. Such a lazy ass, he wrote only a single word. What does he think of himself?

I stood on the table and decided to keep the letter back inside. But what I saw stopped me from doing that. There is a pendant with thorns surrounding the beautiful diamond.

What does this mean for? He can't allow me to get out of here. At the very same time, he has given me a pendant. Am I supposed to wear this? Does this mean something?

I wrecked my mind and wrote that letter. Even after writing that one I was not able to be at peace. But this piece of shit dares to write only one word and he didn't even bother to tell why he gave me this pendant. Why this type of dominant ways exist in this world? It doesn't matter even if the president says we are equal, it is an absolute lie. There is always a dominant one among the group. Even the president is the dominant one.

What the hell does this pendant mean? I can't wear this! What if the pendant has a secret camera? He is a killer already....what if he is a rapist too? I am not gonna wear this.

Is it cursed?

I am going to stop my thoughts here. I am not going to wear this. What if this thing has a camera? I will keep this pendant hidden so that no one can see me, invading my privacy.

Since this room looks very tempting, I am gonna shift here. No one can change my mind including me. This is like a heaven on the earth. If he was not a bad guy, I would have given him a hug. I think to live in the place of a killer has damaged a part in my brain.  Having this kind of stupid thoughts...

I am heading to my room in order to shift everything in here.


It took almost an hour to shift my clothes in the closet beside the mirror. I kept the pendant between clothes for my safety purposes and closed the cabinet. I placed my back against the closet and started humming a song to which my hand's fingers made a best against the closet.


That sound made a bulb to twinkle above my head with a signboard —"caution". This sound is coming from the outside. As long as it is from the outside, I am safe. I have to bother only if the sound comes from my home. So, no murder today it appears. I went back to my humming until  I heard a knock at my door.

Who is at the door? It might be Rachael. She is the only visited I have.

"Why the hell are you at my doorstep?" I screamed at the perfume dude.

"I am your new neighbour." He said with a menacing glare. Why he is glaring? Aren't I the one who should glare?

"Didn't I tell you already? I am perfectly fine in my home. You don't need to follow me. I don't know about your imagination skills. But, keep it to yourself and stop bothering me." I said it without taking a breath.

"Is this how you treat your neighbours? Oh! I forgot you don't have the privilege to have neighbours, right?" I just want to smash his face to wipe that smirk.

"Poor, Esper. Who would have the guts to stay near a murderer? I pity you. My feelings are very sincere." He said with a tone of fake sympathy and a slight mockery.

"I am not a killer like you think. And, I don't care whether you believe me or not. I am only saying this to you to get you off of my back." I am sure he can sense my dejection.

He took hold of my hands and stepped forward with his eyes meeting mine. He brushed his bottom lip with his teeth from outward to inside.

" I don't know what you are going through? However, if u know anything about this murders, don't hesitate to inform me. I will make sure nothing will happen to you." His eyes never leaving mine but at the same time moving from side to side.

" Shall I come to your home?" His facial expression is quite amusing. His lip-curling a bit upward but his eyes showing the truth. His confusion and suspicion.

The intention of going to his home is to get a fresh feel and I don't feel safe here. If this guy is not going to stop pestering me, then I have no choice but to tell him the truth. But how am I supposed to tell him the truth, knowing he will decease. The same happened with Shawn too.

Whatever is going to occur...let it not occur at my home. I don't know whether I am going, to tell the truth, or not but knowing people are killed only here, I can't make him stay here longer.


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I know the previous chapters are a boring but they are needed for the future events. Kindly bear with it.

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