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Esper's pov

I don't know how to feel. I feel this sickening feeling growing inside me. I shouldn't involve him in this. But I am being desirous for this stupid freedom. I can't help it, maybe this is the way I am. I am not a very good human. It is fine if I am being bad to make sure of my survival. I just want to experiment whether everybody I come in contact will be killed. If he is alive until the marriage, I will cancel this marriage and will write about everything to him, so that I can get away from this country and this stupid killer.

I really wish he won't die too. So, I am not that cruel.

"Why are staring at the t.v like you know it is going to be smashed or something." He said with a minor laugh.

" Aren't you being weird? You are agreeing to marry me just like that." I asked him with more seriousness and his laugh completely subsided.I am not going to miss any expressions of him.

"Aren't you being weird? Asking a random guy to marry you and all. And you have the audacity to ask me that question, huh?" He said with such seriousness more than me.

I gulped not so audibly and said,

"I have my reasons."

He rested his back against the sofa and closed his eyes,

"I have my reasons too. Since I respect the marriage, I will need to trust you and open myself to you, " with that being conveyed, he turned his head towards me to say,

"And most importantly, I will adapt myself to..." He wetted his lips.

"Love you."

"," I said looking anywhere but him.

"I will have to marry someone in the future. I don't believe in falling in love. It is all about our mindset. If the other person is decent enough, we just train ourself to love them and eventually with time, we will grow used to them." He checked my reactions nervously and told me,

"So, I am one benefitting from this deal. I get to obtain justice for my family." He smiled to himself and said

"I get to obtain a family for myself too."

The smile is not at all leaving his face, making my heart fill with more guilt. Family is really a touchy subject for him. I got the confirmation from his smile.

"Why don't you stay with me."

This is your chance. I can stay here without any fear of coming out of my room to see a dead body. But, let me play hard to get for a while. In the second time, I will say yes.

"Sorry," I adjusted my hair, placing a strand behind my ear, with a hidden smile playing on my lips.

"I can't. It is soon for those..." He is looking at me with an understanding look.

He nodded at me.

"Ok, then. It is fine." He said.


Isn't he supposed to be asking again? I dig my own grave. Now, I have to sleep in it.

"But....since, you live next to a killer's house, I will stay here for your safety. You don't have to be scared of any murders. I will stay here for your pitiful state." He traced his chin with his fingers and gave me a pointed look.

Why he is looking at me like that?

" You don't have to stay here for my pitiful self, sweet." He said.

I mentally scolded myself. I kept on looking at my shoes and moved my legs to ease my nervousness. Yes, we are sitting on the sofa with that coke placed before us. The only difference is that there is no coke in that cane anymore.

He lifted my face and smiled at me playfully.

"But you can stay here for my sake." He took his hands from my face and gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"I can understand you, Esper. I know you don't feel comfortable living there. That is why I am asking you to stay here. No evil intentions."

"Will you help me?"

He looked at me with confusion.

"To pack my luggage." I only know what I intend by that.



"Everything is over. Take a nap, I will see you tomorrow." He kept the luggage down and dusted himself. He winked at me and with a smile, he shut the door.

He is a very good guy. Too good. Always having that warm smile which could comfort every earthling's suffering. He is that I am-so-warm-and-cuddly-type of a guy.

"I know my house is a bit smaller than yours, soon I will get a bigger one for us." I didn't even notice him re-enter the room. Me and my stupid thoughts. This room is entirely similar to the clean room in that house. Except, the colours of the walls.

" No, it is fine." If only he knows, I prefer anywhere which is not that stupid home.

"Ok, sweet dreams, " he went away leaving me to deal with my gruesome thoughts.

I arranged everything inside the closet and laid on the bed waiting for the sleep to consume me.


Is it already morning? I didn't even sleep that much. Why he wakes up this early and have to kill my sleep making these stupid weird sounds.

"What he–"

I sure can feel the chill travelling in my spine. I shuddered involuntarily,

"Aiee.....ahhh.....shit......" I sputtered out this none sense speech, obviously due to fear. Why the hell I don't know that dude's name?

What will you do in my situation? A guy who is completely invisible under this darkness, only his eyes visible. His hazel eyes looking at me, no-glaring at me.

He motioned me to be silent by placing a finger on his lips. When he opened his other fingers, there came that blue diamond locket with his fingers against his mouth. That locket hung just above his chest in his hands.

He came to me. I went still, gazing at the hazel eyes. When I came back to reality, he already made me wore it.

With us chest to chest, him not bothering to distance himself, he whispered with screeching voice,

"Remove it." He put a distance between us just enough to look at me.

"You will see the worst of your life." He placed his lips against mine with his mask as a screen between us.

It was merely a peck. He went away using the window.

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