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Esperanza's pov

"So, you have come here to investigate the case," I said with my eyes not meeting him but looking down with my hands tracing the fabric of the sofa.

"Here is your coke, enjoy."
No one would be able to understand for whom he is giving the coke. If he doesn't want to then why bother giving? He is not looking at me. His gaze is also somewhere else.

He suddenly turned his head towards me which startled the shit out of me.

"I know you are in a dilemma but trust me, I am the only one who can help you. If you want to get out of this, then the answer you desperately searching for is in the same space you are in," with that he came close to me. I am sure he sensed my confusion and reluctance.

He held my hands within his own and looked into my eyes with such intensity that I can't really understand what he is expecting from me.

"I will do everything you want but the only expectation I have need to tell me everything that you know about that mansion, " his grip in my hands tightened.

I gulped and looked at our intertwined hands. He let go of my hands and lifted my chin.

"You can trust me. I promise I would never lie to you.'' I can feel his sincere intention in his voice, still,

" I won't judge you." Now I am fully compromised and looked at him with a sly smile.

Seeing my smile his lips curled up in a half-smile.

"Then, marry me!" My face lit up and the smile broadened including my dimple. Now it is my turn to hold his hands.

"I...I-i sorry...ok, fine! I will marry you." He is half glaring at me but I appreciated that he is a good guy who stands true to his words. I don't like using him but I am left with no choice.

"You must be honest with me. You must tell me everything." He said in a restrained but with coldness in his tone.

"Why-" we both started at the same time.

"Ladies first," he signalled his hands in my direction.

"Why are you so curious about these murders?" I asked him finally.

I started enjoying the coke and looked at him under my lashes.

"The first murder happened at your home was my brother's and my mother went missing right after that." He said it without any trace of sentiments including grief.

He is talking about the second murder since no one knows about the first one. How can I tell him that his mother is also dead?

"What were you doing that time?''I placed my hands on his shoulders as a sign of comfort and placed the coke down the table where he is half supporting his weight.

" I was in abroad managing my business," with that he held my left hand which was previously placed on his shoulders with his right hand.

"Now tell me everything!" He asked me desperately.

"I will tell you everything once you marry me," I told him strictly.

"Why the hell you want to marry me?" He pulled my hand crushing me against him. He is, unfortunately, taller than me, lowered his head to look straight at my eyes.

"For selfish reasons obviously. I need protection, at least I want to feel secure. I don't want to be alone there and moreover, I am about to give clues about the killer, you might get justice for your brother but that equals to sabotaging my future love life.'' I gave him all the possible reasons I could come up with.

But the truth is I want to buy some time. He said that he is the only one who could help me. If that is true, he can't get slaughtered trying to help me. If I successfully get married to him, then only I will believe he can help me. Then only, I will reveal all the details. Is he really that influential? Can he defeat that powerful killer?

" Esper- can I call you like that?" His words laced with his beautiful smile reached my ears.

"Sure!'' I chirped. If he can smile at me like that, I can do anything for him. Why all the handsome guys look more handsome when they smile?

" Esper, I don't know about you but, I respect marriage. To me, marriage means a lot. I will spend eternity with only the girl I marry. I will only love that girl for this lifetime." he paused to take look at my expressions and continued,

"I will only love you no matter how much longer it takes to fall for each other, I won't give divorce under any condition. So, think twice before marrying me." He spoke too seriously but ended his views with a smile and playfully touched my nose.

"Aren't you supposed to say that you will only marry for love? You are changing the cliche dialogue here." I scoffed at him.

"Aren't the guy supposed to ask or force the girl to marry him. You changed the cliche perspective here.'' he mimicked my scoff.

I tried not to smile at him but instead, I hid the smile looking down. When I got my shit together and looked at him, another heart attack came as a wink from him.

"Since my childhood, I always grew up alone. I studied in a hostel. I never got the chance to spend much time with my family. Then, I spend my time building up my career. When I completed everything I wanted to accomplish, I didn't get the chance to share it with my family." He paused to compose himself and said,

" Though I had a family, they always favoured my brother. I never blamed them instead I wanted all the love from my wife and I promised to cherish and protect her throughout this lifetime." with that being said he slowly hugged me and nuzzled his cheeks with my neck.

He came out of the hug still kept his hands on my shoulder.

"If you help me to get justice for my family, I will spoil you forever and ever." He smiled, raising his eyebrows waiting for my reply.

" I promise I will help you get justice for your family," I said it with such determination that I never knew I had. Moreover, I don't know why I am making this promise.

"Then, I promise you too. You will be the only one for me for this lifetime." He hugged me again. This time he held me tightly and I could sense his happiness. Simultaneously, I am scared he could sense my insincerity.

He kept mumbling something in my shoulder where my hairs are scattered. Finally, I could comprehend what he was saying,

"You are the only one for me."


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