Chapter 4

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"I swear to God, guys, I saw the tattoo with my own eyes!"

Park, Aran, Bank, and Niran weren't having it. The four refused to believe that someone like Beam had yet another matching tattoo with someone like their best friend. Astonishment quickly filled their minds, some of them even went as far as cursing Forth for being 'one lucky bastard' and because he 'does not deserve someone as hot and smart as Beam'.

"First, you're an atheist, you bitch," said Park, leaning against the seat. "Second, aren't your eyes a little blurry from the fight? Maybe you saw wrong."

"I didn't get punched, goddamnit! And that's not the point," Forth bursted out, slamming his beer bottle on the table. "The point is, I'm not an idiot!"

"You're not?"

Forth groaned in frustration and grabbed a handful of Aran's hair, making him beg for mercy.

"If you don't want to believe me, at least don't bully me!" Forth whined.

"Ah! Help! Ai'Niran, get this thing off me!" shouted Aran, catching the attention of the entire bar.

When Forth finally let go and shoved his friend away, he heaved a deep sigh. He was lost in his own mind, recalling the moment his eyes saw Beam's nape... and maybe also the moment when he was moani—



"Beam..." Niran trailed.


"Beam!" Bank exclaimed.

"I know, fucker! What's with Beam?!" Forth shouted.

"Beam's right fucking there, blind bitch!" Park shouted back while pointing at a very annoyed Beam at the bar.

With that, Forth immediately turned his head, mentally scolding himself when he heard his bone crack. He massaged his neck, but it only reminded him of the tattoo he shared with Beam. Forth spent all day trying to figure out what the meaning behind having the same tattoo as another person was, but he got no answer. No answer that made sense with his current situation anyway.

Aran said they were going to fuck.

Niran said they were going to be boyfriends.

Bank said they were going to be husbands.

Park said Forth was blind and that there was no fucking way their tattoos were the same.

"I'm going to him," Forth mumbled. He stood up after placing his bottle down and started to make his way towards the medical student.

"Going to him... or going down on him?"

Forth turned around in a speed of light and lifted his hand up, making Aran squeal and hide behind his brother.

"Go die," muttered Forth before jogging towards Beam.

"Go away," Beam groaned as soon as Forth reached the bar.

The similarity is quite heartwarming, Forth thought to himself.

"Beam, you're drunk."

"No shit," Beam slurred. "I'm trying to forget you!"

Forth blinked. "Uh... me?"

Beam stared at Forth as if he had grown a second head. He sighed, muttering his complaint to God about why he was assigned the job of having a conversation with Forth. Forth didn't know whether to feel offended or not, so he decided to take a seat on the stool next to Beam.

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