Chapter 6

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Beam wanted to ask Pha and Kit about the video.

But he quickly scratched the idea when he remembered how awful their best friends were at keeping their mouth shut. Yes, the seemingly nonchalant Pha and Kit were a fan of gossiping too. Therefore, Beam decided to watch it when he was alone in his own dorm.

Beam couldn't focus on his next class. Luckily, it was the last class he had for the day. After making up an excuse about having a headache (which Beam assumed Pha and Kit didn't believe, instead they thought he was upset about the entire thing with Forth), Beam ran to his dorm, not forgetting to lock the door. He was lucky Pha decided to be nice for once and fix the door himself after busting it open that time when Beam was too busy groaning in pain.

Beam quickly logged into his Facebook and widened his eyes at the amount of notifications he received. He typed in Suthee's name, frowning when he scrolled down the page and finding nothing about the video. He then tried to look at the unofficial university Facebook page. Whatever was going on, good or bad, it must've shown up there.


Beam grinned widely when he saw the video he was looking for. The video wasn't too long, only a little less than two minutes, so Beam immediately tapped on it.

Beam didn't even know what he had expected... but this definitely wasn't it. He had thought of a little bitch fight, maybe a problem in the orientation... but this...?

He was only at the ten seconds mark when he gasped loudly. His eyes began to waver, unable to process what he had just seen.

No wonder... no wonder Forth and his gang were taken off of the hazing team.

The shaky video, which was shot from afar, showed Forth and his gang, who was wearing the red hazer shirts, in an alleyway. The video was clear, showing Forth stepping in and beating the shit out of a middle aged man. The man was black and blue, his face no longer visible due to the amount of dirt, bruises, and blood on it. In the video, Forth was shown throwing punches after punches and kicks after kicks, aiming different parts of the man's body every time. Blood was splattered everywhere, and Forth's white inner t-shirt that was clean at the beginning of the video turned blood red at the end.

Aside from that, two of the other hazers were holding a beaten up woman. The woman was slumped, her posture timid and scared. She was crying and was trying to crawl back at the beaten man, but was being held down.

After he finished watching the video, Beam felt his hands tremble in devastation. His previously sharp eyes became unfocused, unable to claim what he had seen as reality.

What did I just see...? Why didn't they take down a video like this...?

Desperate to find some sort of explanation, Beam exited the video and read the text above it.

Kantaphat University Unofficial Page
Head Hazer of Engineering Faculty, Forth Jaturapoom and the engineering gang, who is also a part of the hazer team, found beating up two people (a man in his forties and a girl in her late twenties) in an alley on Saturday. We expected so much from the new head hazer, but we are utterly devastated, confused, and disappointed when we saw this video sent in by one of our own (who preferred to remain anonymous). Are we really going to let people like these become hazers? Sign the petition for their resignation on the link below.

Beam felt his eyes sting from holding back his tears. He knew he better not, but he couldn't help but to read some of the comments on the post.

It was a mistake indeed.

So disgusted! How can a human being be this cruel?!

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