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Chapter: Four

Just like every other day, the boys were all spending time together in their dorm. Everyone, except Jimin, who they soon noticed was missing.
"Where's Jiminie?" Hoseok asked as the others just shrugs.
"Probably in his room?" Jin suggested, making the others sigh.
"What is with him these days?" Taehyung asked, confused and concerned for his friend. Suddenly, Yoongi suddenly stood up.
"I'll go talk to him." He said as the others nodded, except one.
"No, hyung! I'll go!" The youngest said, while the others stopped him.
"No! Yoongi will! You stay here with us!" Namjoon said as the youngest sighed in defeat.

Yoongi headed to Jimin's room and knocked gently.
"Jimin-ah! It's hyung! Let's talk." He said in the softest way he could. Right after that, Jimin opened the door and let him in. The older one saw and realized how pale the younger one looked. Why didn't they noticed this earlier? This time, Yoongi knew that he had to talk to him, even if he refused to. He would have to force him, whether he liked it or not.
"Jimin, what's wrong with you?" Yoongi asked, as the other one stayed quiet.
"You're not yourself lately. You're not that bright as before, not hanging out with us, not attending practice, or wouldn't be home some days without even telling us where you are, not even talking any single word, unlike before that you talk non-stop." The older one started, as the mochi just ignored him.
"Tell me, what's wrong with you?" Yoongi asked, only for him to get nothing.
"For God Sake! PARK JIMIN! OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH!! AND TALK TO ME!" the older shouted in frustration, making the younger to flinch.
"I-i--" the younger stuttered.
"You what?!" Yoongi asked, exasperated.
"You wouldn't understand!" Jimin started, feeling lonely.
"Then make me understand!" Yoongi answered, causing the younger to hesitate for a bit before looking at his hyung.
"Jimin, you know I'm here not just your friend, but also your hyung! Feel free to tell me anything that's bothering you." Yoongi promised, softly patting the younger back while Jimin sighed in stress.
"I like Jungkook." Jimin started, nervous.
"Go on." Yoongi assured him that he's listening, shocking the younger one.
"How come you're not shocked?" Jimin asked.
"All of us already know about it, even if you didn't tell . It's too obvious Jimin." The older one exclaimed.
"Now what's wrong?" Yoongi asked again.
"All these years, I've tried to show him my love and affection, but all I got was rejection. Then I felt like I had to stop since he never realized it and only rejected me, making me feel like he likes Tae. I stopped! And when I did, he just suddenly started following me everywhere I go, wanting to hang out with me, being sweet and caring all the time. He's making me feel special, making me confused! He's like playing with my emotion, it hurts." Jimin explained, confused.
"Jimin, you know Jungkook is just like me, he's not good at expressing his emotions and feelings. He probably likes you, but doesn't know how to express it, or maybe he just really doesn't feel the same and since you started ignoring him and stopped giving him attention like you always do, he feels like he did something to you, making him think like he's losing you, his hyung! We all know was one of the closest to him, even if he refuses to admit it. We all know how you two have a lot of in common and share similar hobbies. He's just really bad at expressing." Yoongi explained what he was thinking.
"What do I do?" The desperate mochi asked.
"Just act normal. Be the Jimin you are. Stop ignoring us, especially him, because if you stay like this, then there are just two options that can happen. Either you hurt him or break your bond but either way you will lose one of your best friends."

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