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My name is Do JiSoo, 97's liner. Currently studying at Seoul National University majoring in engineering. Instead of living in domitory, I decided to live alone.

 Instead of living in domitory, I decided to live alone

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"JiSoo, I can't stay with you forever. Instead, you can stay with our aunt family at Jeju Island", that the last thing he said to her before walked away but she started speaking made him shock.

"Right, that's why you keep sending me off because I'm a monster and yourself even scared being with me. Just go then and run away like you always do", she walked away from him and going to her aunt house at Jeju Island.
While heading to Jeju Island, she keep staring at her hand and sighing until she bumped into a front sit.
"Ajusshi, why'd you stop the bus?, she asked the driver and everyone rushing down the bus and see an accident. The car being on the cliff.
"One move, those kids will fall", the grandfather on the bus said. "How pity for the parent to lose them. They just a kid", he said shaking his head.
"No, harabeoji. They'll be save. Their parents wouldn't lose their kids. Not right now", she opened her palm and put a pressure while focusing at the car. As soon she said that the care suddenly move forward to the road. Everyone looked confused how did the car is saved but no one know her pain after saving those kids. There's a big cut on her palm. She took her handkerchief and wrapped around the cut trying to stop the bleeding.

(End of flashback)

Psychokinesis. The reason my brother leaving me with someone else. The reason why I shut myself from outsider.

Right after I've graduated in highschool, I decided to enrolled in engineering course and staying at Seoul.
Those studio apartment?. It was all my allowance my brother and my aunt gave me for the past 10 years.

It's been a years I've stayed here but he didn't even know I was here all along.
Him?. He now a famous idol or actor?. A girl in my English class being a fangirl of him. Do KyungSoo or other name D.O. One of EXO boy group.

The day he chose to leave me was the day I cut him from me

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The day he chose to leave me was the day I cut him from me. He hate me because of this power. I can't control my power whenever I'm mad.

Being in Seoul, there's a high chance that I'll meet him but it just me who scared that I couldn't control my power if I talked to him. I'm scared that I'll hurt him like the last time.

He's my one and only best friend that always calm me down whenever I'm getting mad. It's not like he know my power but he just a passion person to be with. Myung KiJoon.

We're not close but he keep pestering, clinging on me every second

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We're not close but he keep pestering, clinging on me every second. I would be glad to be his friend after all since he always make me feel calm everytime I'm mad.
We've been in the same class. Correction. All class except for German language class.

"Am I that handsome?", he asked me cutting my thought.
"Ani. I just keep thinking how would a good-looking boy like you could be clingy on a girl especially a loner one like me", I said and smiled.
"Tsch. Yah, should we treat ourself after quiz?. How about beer?",he asked me but I rejected it.
"Beer is", he pouted.
"That's the reason of it. To lose yourself. To let everything out so we could be relieved", he asked me to have beer instead.
"If I'm drunk, I could kill a person you know", I said but he just laughed.
"Who's fact was that?", he still laughing.
"My fact. Let's go you stupid or we'll be late. You don't want Prof. Simba, the king of lion, mad", I dragged him to the class.

"Yah, Do JiSoo. Don't you think that today's quiz were the hard one?. If you didn't change your paper with me earlier, I might failed already. Gomawo, chagi", I just smiled to him showed my teeth.
"iKON is here, girls", the girl with pink dress said to her friends made other screaming and started running toward the hall without realizing they crashing the boy in front of them on the first floor.
"Watch out the.... Haish", I'm run to the ground floor and use my power to hold him from falling. As I catch the boy, once again my scar resurfaced and bleed.
KiJoon took his handkerchief and wrapped it around your palm.
"Do JiSoo, what was all that?. He half-hanging on the air and you're bleeding.", he looked scared.
"I'll......tell you later. But for now, we need to find his parent first. He looked scared", although KiJoon scared of me, he'd still smiled in front of the kid and hold your book while you holding the kid.
"Kiddo-ya, what's your name?. Where's your parents?", I asked the boy but he just showed the way to hall.
"MinJoo-shi, I told you not to bring your kid. Look now, iKON member will go to the stage just any minute",we heard someone being scolded.
"It must be her mother who being scold", KiJoon said and he knocked the door.
"JooWhan-a", the mother took the boy from me.

But I don't know what happened to me when I saw the boy with an arrogant face. I'd suddenly made one of the mirror crashed making other shocked and confused.
"It's not me. Even I gotta bad temper, I wouldn't be so crazy to smashed the mirror", he said and looked at me as if he already know me.
KiJoon too looked at me confused.
"I don't know why I can't control it", he bowed to them before dragged me to his domitory as he see me looked distracted looking at my own hand.
"Yah, what's wrong?", he asked me but he scared at the same time seeing everything float in the air.
"I don't know. I can't control my power", I started to be scared. He hold your hand and looked at you.
"Look at me. Do JiSoo. Look at me", and I looked at him. "You'll be fine. Just calm down. I'm always here", as soon he said that, all things falling down and he hugged me prevent the book to fall on me but fell on him instead.
"You're okay?", he asked me but before I could answer, someone opened the door. "Woah, what's all this, Myung KiJoon?", his friend asked him seeing all things scattered everywhere. "Did you have a fight?. That's why I told you dating wasn't a good thing. Make sure to cleaned up back before you leave", he shaking his head and made us laughed somehow.
"Let's clean up this first. Then we could sleepover at your home instead. We still had an assignment to be done plus tommorow is a day off and you still owned me an explanation, Do JiSoo", we cleaned up his room and head to my apartment.

While in the bus, KiJoon didn't talked much. "Who's the boy that being sarcastic in the room beside hall before?", I asked him but he raised his eyebrows.
"You want to say that you know Koo JunHoe iKON member?", he asked me back.
"Ani. It just I feel like I've seen him before", he suddenly laughed.
"Your first love, huh?", he said and I rolled my eyes being annoyed by him.
"Shut your mouth up, Myung KiJoon".

For the first time in my life, my power happened to has an error as soon as I see him. Koo JunHoe.

.ERROR.YOU. (iKON Koo JunHoe X Reader) - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now