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The next one was from Calum. Calum was definitely the brother Rachael never had. They were the best of friends. Like when she got mad at me she would always talk to him. I wasn't really mad, I deserved it.

Dear Rachael,

Rachael, Rachael, Rachael. I'm never letting you go, ever. You mean way too much to me for that to happen. You were like another sister. Mali loved you, too, of course. You were the sister she never had. I miss helping you with Ashton problems. I miss the day when you told me that you had a crush on Ashton. You made me hide it for two months before Ashton got the guts to ask you out. Funny thing, the day after you told me you liked him, he told me he really liked you. I can't help but smile at the beginning of your relationship. I'm not gonna lie, you guys were my otp, for real. I love you, Rachael. The boys and I always thought of you when writing the songs that were about girls (which is like all of them). You are a girl that will always shine brighter than the stars. Love you sister. ~Your bro, Cal.

I nearly cried from his letter. It was so sweet. I literally can't find a way to top it.

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