Easter Special

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"Can you taste the potatoes? They taste really sweet to me," Diane asked Elaine.

Currently, they were all at Elizabeth's house preparing for Easter dinner.

Elaine stirred the pot before grabbing a spoon and tasting it, "It is really sweet. Maybe some more salt?"

Diane nodded and poured some more in. They tried it again and it was still to sweet.

Diane stopped stirring the gravy and added in seasoned pepper and garlic salt.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Elaine said, after trying a bit.

Adding in more salt, it was still too sweet.

Elaine got fed up and dumped a whole bunch of salt in it. Trying it once again, she yelled in frustration, "Why is it still too sweet??!"

Diane checked on the chicken, then went back to the gravy, "Maybe add some pepper?"

Elaine nodded and added some in, adding salt right after, "This has a lot of sodium in it.."

"Ya," Diane agreed.

"Maybe we need a third opinion?" Elaine asked, after trying the potatoes again and it being too sweet.

Diane nodded and called for Elizabeth.

After explaining the current situation, Elizabeth tried the potatoes.

"Those are sweet, maybe more salt?" She asked.

Elaine reached for the salt, but Elizabeth stopped her.


"You guys were using that salt?" Elizabeth asked, trying to stifle her laughter.

"Yes. Is it expired?" Diane asked.

"Um, guys... That's sugar..." Elizabeth told her.

Elaine and Diane stopped what they were doing, while Elizabeth burst out laughing.

"W-Why do you have sugar in a salt shaker??" Elaine asked.

"Veronica," Elizabeth replied.

Diane opened the cupboard and pointed to a cup of sugar, "But you already have sugar?"

"That's salt," Elizabeth said, dipping her finger in and licking it, recoiling at the taste.

"What??" Diane asked, wondering what the heck was happening.

Elizabeth shrugged and went into the next room.


They all sat around the table and began dishing up.

Ban took one bite and had a question, "...Why are the potatoes so sweet?"

Ya. It was short, but that's fine. It's not like its a real chapter or anything.
...I'm a product of s*x, what do you want from me??

Any way, I have another thing to fangirl about.

I freaking adore Elaine. She's my favorite (right next to Zeldris) character and holy hexk I just love her so much!!

I also love Easter, it is my favorite holiday. I am working on the next chapter, I already have 400 words typed so that should be out soon.

Um, I'll end this note with Seven Deadly Shmucks. (They cuss a whole lot, so be prepared for that)

I know, I know. You're welcome

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