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"Remember to read and write a summary on pages 10-138. They will be due tomorrow," Mrs. Verna, the English teacher who was never introduced in the previous chapters because the author forgot about her, announced.

Elizabeth packed up her stuff and enjoyed watching the schools idiots stress over the homework given. (Elizabeth be a sadist...)

"How am I supposed to read 138 pages?! I can barely read 'Green Eggs and Ham,'" Kazuto complained to his boyfriend.

The person he was complaining to, Aito, sweatdropped and wondered how he dated this idiot, "There is a lot wrong with that sentence and it's only 128 pages, not 138."

Kazuto looked at his boyfriend with wide eyes, "Only?!? It's ONLY 128 pages?!"

Aito nodded calmly and placed his books in his bags, "Ya."

"That's easy for you to say, you d*mn perfect prince!" Kazuto yelled, clumsily dumping his books in his bag.

"I'm not prince and I don't know why you keep calling me that," Aito stated, wearily looking at his boyfriend. The two grabbed their bags and started walking out the classroom.

"Oh, I don't know... Probably because you're smart, good looking, kind to other people, and never show when you're angry," Kazuto continued to name off reasons to Aito, who was growing more bored with each and every word that came out of Kazutos' mouth.

"That doesn't make me a prince," Aito interrupted him. Kazuto rolled his eyes and decided to change the topic.

"So, can I cheat off you today?" Kazuto boldly asked.

"You cheat off of me everyday, try doing your own work," Aito replied, bored.

"And that's the only reason I have good grades," Kazuto said, not looking to where he was going.

(Whoa whoa whoa, wasn't this a Melizabeth story? -Yes- Then where's Meliodas, Elizabeth, and the love? -Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's stuck up your as- YES, hi. It's me. The author of this story, nice to meet you all. Kazuto and Aito are going to be important to the story. but they will not be an obstacle to the way of love... Thank you for your time, now, back to the story!)

Pain erupted on the point of Kazutos' forehead. Tears overflowed his tear ducks and he was on the verge of crying.

"Watch where you're going!" An angry voice yelled, his voice filling the hallway.

"Watch were you're going!" Kazuto 'retorted.' If you can't tell, he isn't great at comebacks.

Kazuto looked at who he had bumped into and he was surprise to see someone so short.

"Who're you kid?" He asked, not really thinking about it.

"I'm not a kid. You f*****g f****r. I'll beat your f*****g *ss so hard, your f*****g face won't be able to recognize it's own f*****g reflection!" The 'kid' blew up.

"Aito~" Kazuto started whining, "This kid swore at me."

Aito looked at the kid, a bored look on his face, "He does seem to have a mouth."

"Did you hear me?! I said, I'm not a f*****g KID!" The 'kid' yelled at the two boys.

"Are you lost?" Aito asked, as Kazuto grew mushrooms in the corner.

"I'm a f*****g senior, you knuckle-dragging trolls," The 'kid' replied calmly this time.

"That means he's older than us, right?" Kazuto asked, after remember he hated mushrooms.

"It appears so," Aito said, staring at the senior.

"What's your name?" Kazuto asked the senior.

The senior glared at the two juniors, "And why should I tell you?"

"Because we asked," Kazuto dumbly replied.

The senior cocked an eyebrow and scoffed, "Just watch where you're going next time," He attempted to walk away.


Aito stuck out his hand and stopped him. The senior looked up at him, while Aito stared at him with dull eyes.

Aito sighed, "I believe you owe him an apology," He gestured to Kazuto, who was rubbing at the bruise that was starting to form.

"He's the one who bumped into me," The senior told him, roughly shoving Aitos' arm out of the way.

"Why can't people just listen the first time?" Aito asked before grabbing the senior by the collar and dropping him to the ground. Pushing his foot into his chest, he glared at the older boy, "Now then, I believe you owe him an apology."

The senior groaned and wheezed out a breathe, "F-Fine. Sorry."

Meliodas walked by the scene, faintly glancing at it. He just shrugged and continued walking.

Sariel deserves it anyway, He thought, turning the corner.

Aito pushed his foot off of him and grabbed Kazuto by the elbow, "Let's go."

"Guess I was wrong," Kazuto said, gently rubbing his forehead.

"Wrong about what?" Aito asked, bringing his hand to Kazutos' hand.

"You do show when you're mad," Kazuto smiled like an idiot, which he was one, and held onto Aitos' hand.

"...So can I cheat off of you?"



When people first found out Aito and Kazuto were gay:

"You guys are gay?" Girl #1 asked.

"Yep," Kazuto smiled.

"Is it a problem?" Aito asked, side staring at the girl.

"No, no," The boys were obviously surprised at the girls opened-mindedness, "After all, I've always wanted a gay best friend."

Kazuto cracked his knuckles, "You wanted a gay best friend huh?" He glared at the girl, "How about I be your gay nightmare?!" He threatened, luckily Aito was there.

Aito glared at the girl harsher then Kazuto, "We aren't best friends anymore."


MMMH, so. This was more of a filler chapter and I wanted to introduce our two new characters... Which I just realized I never described how they looked...

I'll reveal in next chapter. In the meantime, what do you guys think they look like?

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