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Meliodas walked along the lonely halls, contemplating what he should do.

On one hand, he could reconnect with his so-called soulmate, as if Meliodas really believed in those anymore, but on the other hand, she could be lying. He didn't really know what he wanted to do, but he knew he'd have to make the choice soon. Life sucks.

The halls echoed as his footsteps made contact with the floor, reminding Meliodas of his loneliness. He sighed has he held Elizabeths drawing in his hand. He was supposed to turn it in, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He reread what Elizabeth wrote over a million times, trying to figure out what it meant. She kept saying that it was a misunderstanding, so then why did she apologize? Why would she apologize for something that wasn't her fault?

It infuriated Meliodas to no end. He usually knew exactly what was going on inside peoples head, but he just couldn't figure out what Elizabeth was thinking.

And it pissed him off.


"So, what did you want to talk to us about?" Diane asked Elizabeth.

Elizabeth had called Zeldris, Derieri, Diane, Ban, King, Aito, and Kazuto to a meet-up.

"So I kinda have been keeping a secret from you guys," Elizabeth said, twiddling with her thumbs.

"What do you mean?" King furrowed his brows.

"I'm not a human," Elizabeth stated. "I'm a white-winged flying crow creature." She confessed.

Diane gasped, "You're a Goddess?"

Elizabeth quickly nodded her head, pulling her wings out.

"Oh wow, I have to stretch these," Elizabeth said, stretching her left one all the way out and doing the same with her right.

Everyone stared at her, not saying a word. They all processed in their mind that their 'human' friend was, in-fact, not human.

"...How do you sleep?" Kazuto asked.

Aito lightly hit his head, "That's the question you ask?"

"It's a solid question!" Kazuto defended himself.

"Elizabeth..." Diane trailed off, "Why didn't you tell us this before?" She asked quietly.

"I was planning to, but then I found out my soulmate, the person most compatible with my soul, was a demon," Elizabeth told them.

King sighed, "I thought you were going to tell us something way worse."

"What did you think I was going to say?" Elizabeth asked.

"That you couldn't have kids or something," King shrugged, not thinking much about what he said.

"Your mind just goes straight to the gutter," Ban snickered.

King blushed bright red, "I-It does not!" King yelled, shaking his fists back and forth.

"Mhm~" Was Bans' response. The group made small talk and soon despersed. Zeldris walked away, all by his lonesome, and wondered the halls of the school. He walked through the West wing, the South wing, and was just starting on the East wing when he come across something, for lack of a better word, odd.

...There was a female student throwing chairs at a male student. In the middle of the hallway.

"I told you to talk normally to her!" The female yelled. Her blonde hair was pulled into a braid, a blue ribbon on the end, and her purple eyes were narrowed on the male student. The male student in question had orange hair and purple eyes, his hair was wild and seemed to part unnaturally. (What is it with purple eyes??)

"I can't do that, she would kill me!" The male said, dodging one of the chairs. He was wearing a white hoodie with black pants, his shoes a blue and brown color scheme. His hoodie sleeves were rolled up, revealing his pale and freckled skin. (Arthur has freckles, I call it)

"Stop being such a wuss!" The female armed herself with another chair, begging the question of were she got these chairs, and was about to throw it before Zeldris stepped in.

"What the what?" He asked the male, who was staring at him with wide eyes.

The male smiled wide, his eyes crinkling at the end, "I do think it's about time we meet," He said. "I'm Arthur Pendragon and this is my... Associate Gelda," He said. (it never said Geldas last name sooo) Gelda was wearing a black crop-top with a baggy coat, sweatpants, and ordinary slip-on black shoes.

Geldas purple eyes turned toward Zeldris, narrowing further.

"Enough to break the ice," Zeldris said.

'Wait- That's not how the joke goes!' He thought to himself.

"He looks like a wuss to me," Gelda boredly stared at Zeldris, who was already frozen. (I don't know whether or not I should do Geldris or Zelithur, so I'll leave it to you guys)


Elizabeth walked down the halls, her albino hair swaying behind her and her feet gently hitting the floor. She was walking around the math hallway, planning on turning in her math homework early since it aggravated her just by looking at it. It reminded her of all the painful memories, the memories of having to answer the questions and having to explain why she was right. Even though you can clearly see how she was correct, just by looking at the work she did because it's stupid to have to explain your answer in words. Andy has five watermelons. There, explained. But no, we have to explain how he got the five stupid watermelons. (Ooo, went off on a rant there-)

She walked into Mr. Onyons class and turned the paper into the turn in basket, feeling proud of herself for being the first to turn it in. She was walking out when she heard the dreaded voice.

"We need to talk."



I honestly don't know who to ship for Zeldris, since I am a fan of both, so ya'll can choose (If you want to)

This was originally going to be the last chapter, but I decided that the next chapter will be the last one and I might branch off and make Zeldris a love story because my boi deserves some love.

I also made a kids cartoon reference, because it's been stuck in my head.


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