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//just trust me on this music. It helps set the mooooooood

"...What?" Meliodas asked.

Everyone froze in what they were doing and stared at Elizabeth and Meliodas. Meliodas turned to Elizabeth and Elizabeth looked at Meliodas.

"Can we talk in private?" Elizabeth asked him, gesturing to the friends who were staring at them.

Meliodas curtly nodded and started walking away. Elizabeth followed him, flashing a shaky smile to the group. Elizabeth stared at the ground, a million thoughts and feelings swirling around her head. She twiddled with her fingers and a frown took its place on her face.

"Alright," Meliodas said, turning around and crossing his arms. Elizabeth stopped walking and looked up.

"Well... As you heard," Elizabeth nervously smiled and opened her hands. "I'm a goddess," She nervously laughed and looked to the side.

Meliodas stared at her with wide eyes, his brain trying to comprehend this new information. His thoughts were jumbled and just a stew of WOW

"You're... A goddess?" He hesitantly asked.

"Surprise!" Elizabeth did jazz hands, failing to smooth out the tension in the air.

Meliodas dully looked at her, "I..." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just need some time to process this."

"Of course. Take as much time as you need," Elizabeth awkwardly chuckled. She rubbed her forearm and cleared her throat. The awkwardness felt like it was suffocating her.

'Should I say something? But he said he needs time to think. He could leave. Is he waiting for me to leave? What if I was supposed to leave and now he's just wondering what the heck I'm doing just standing here?'

"So... You done thinking?" She asked.

Meliodas sighed, "I'm willing to make this work, but promise me that's all to the story."

"I promise. That. Is. All." She said, staring off to the side.

"Friends?" He held out his hand.

"Friends," Elizabeth took his hand and shook it firmly.

The two walked back, the group sighing in relief at Elizabeth being perfectly intact, and explained that they were trying it all over again.

"We don't want to rush things, again, so we compromised and settled on being friends for the time being," Elizabeth told them.

"That's good," Diane said. "We should probably tell Elaine about all of this."

"Yes please," Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth, Diane, Meliodas, and King had set off to find Elaine. Ban had stayed behind because he found Gelda and Zeldris to be hilarious. Derieri went off to hang out with Monspeet (wink wink)

Aito and Kazuto went home, Kazuto still begging to copy off of Aitos' homework.

Anyway, back to the couple and deconstructed couple. They quadreios set off to find Elaine, in hopes that she will take them back. Meliodas couldn't really care less, but Ban was his best friend. And King is Elaines sister and Diane is Kings boyfriend. So really only Elizabeth wanted to be taken back. ((I realize "quaderios" isn't a word, but i like it and plan on using it from now on))

They checked classrooms, classrooms, the occasional janitors room, and more classrooms before settling on checking the outside. They went out to the playground and saw a line of people at the swings. They wondered what the hell was going on, so they walked toward it.

They saw Elaine on one swing and some random person on the other. Both looked equally depressed. It wasn't until someone poked them and said something ("It's my turn to be depressed") that Elaine got off. ((If anyone can guess this reference, I'll, uh, tag them in the next chapter. Oh! And give them pocky))

She walked foreword, her head staring at the ground. Before she looked up. Her eyes were red from crying, eye bags were as big as the authors, and her face was dull and drained of color.

Her usual happy and bright outfits were black and grey, her cheeks had dry tear lines.

"What do you want?" Her voice held no anger or disgust. Rather, sadness. You could hear it crack, her voice hoarse from yelling, screaming, and crying. All in a pillow of course.

"I want to apologize," Elizabeth softly said. Her voice carried an edge of sadness at seeing Elaine in this condition.

"For what?" Elaine sniffled.

"I never tried to explain what happened, to you. I just... Gave up," Elizabeth said.

Elaine nodded, "Then what happened?"

"Well you see..." Elizabeth went on to explain.


Sorry for the sucky update, some things have been interfering with my writing in my personal life. Don't worry, I got the plan on how to get Meliodas and Elizabeth together.

On a brighter note, I have a headcanon.

Meliodas does get jealous easily, however, he won't outright say that he's jealous. He more-or-less will do some stupid shenangin to gain (whomever you ship him with) attention. This is because he has to control his rage, otherwise The Danafall Incident will be repeated.


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