Chapter 6: The Perfect Day

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Jessica's POV:

I woke up, it was around 9:30a.m in the morning.

I stretched. I really didn't want to get up so I decided to lay back and relax.

As I was relaxing I kept thinking. So many things were running through my mind.

I thought about Bruno and about if he found out about this it would break his heart.

I also thought about what Mark said to me.

Bruno has probably said those things to me before. But Bruno has broken my heart many times.

Even though he has always said sorry, I feel like he doesn't mean it all the time.

Mark has been there for me when Bruno hasn't.

I really think I'm falling for Mark.

How am I going tell Bruno this?!? He would be so pissed at me.

Actually why should I care??

All he does is breaks my heart then he will apologize then he will break my heart again!

It's a never ending cycle.

Bruno is sweet and all but he just isn't the man for me.

All of a sudden my phone dings. It's Bruno, it reads:

Hey please come home and help me clean the house?
~ Your Man

I replied saying, I will be there in an hour.

I quickly got out of bed to get dressed.

I put on a blue croc top with a tan colored cardigan, Hollister dark jeans and to finish it off my black high heels from yesterday. Then I threw my hair up in a pony tail.

Before I left I looked at Mark one last time.

He was still fast asleep. He was so cute... Since I wasn't in a rush I walked to Mark and kissed his lips passionately .

I grabbed a pen and a sticky note and wrote a note telling him Bruno wanted me home.

I grabbed my bag of dirty clothes and headed out the door to my car.

The thoughts ran threw my mind like crazy as I drove home.

Finally the thoughts went away as soon as I pulled into my drive way.


Bruno's POV:

I wake up to the sound of birds singing.

I really didn't want to get up yet and neither did I want to clean the house, but it had to get done.

I sent Jess a text asking if she could come home and help me clean.

She answered right away, saying that she'll be home in an hour.

At least I would have someone helping me clean the disaster in my house.

I get out of bed and headed down stairs. To start cleaning the living room.

Before I even started cleaning, I plugged my speakers into my phone to play some music.

It pumped me up. I started picking up the garbage from the living room.

Before I started to vacuum the living room Jessica came in an headed up stairs to put her things away.

"Hey Bruno! Do you want me to get started on the dishes?" She asks as she comes down the stairs.

"Yeah please." I say.

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