The Other Side

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        You searched the room nervously, looking for anything to talk about besides this conversation. You should have known that Zim would ask this question eventually. Why else would you agree to work with an alien that's bent on destroying the planet?

You looked over to Gir for help, but he was too busy munching away at the plate of tacos you had prepared for him. Despite the grossness of the sounds, you would rather focus on that than Zim. When you locked eyes with the Irken again, he didn't press on. He clearly figured that he had you trapped.

"Okay, fine Zim. I'll tell you." You swallowed nervously. Zim leaned in eagerly, a knowing smile plastered on his face.

You sighed. "Dib and I are..." you paused, trying to think of what to say. "We're cousins!"

"Cousins?" Zim echoed.

"What?" A voice sounded from the other room. "No we're not!"

Zim pointed dramatically to the living room and order his computer to lock all the exits in the base. He questioned in the direction of the voice. You knew who it was already. Zim probably knew too, but he just liked hearing himself speak.

Dib turned off his cloaking device and face palmed. "Why do I insist on talking out loud to myself? This is why dad thinks I'm crazy."

"Uh, Dib," you began, relieved that he had broken in, "you're still doing it. Why are you here anyway?"

Almost as if neither one of the two boys heard you speaking, Zim and Dib glared at each other for a prolonged amount of time. If the exits weren't sealed, you would have used this as an opportunity to sneak out. Gir tugged on your shirt and handed you a taco. You took it from his hand and sat on the counter. This was going to take a while.

"An intruder? In MY base? How did you manage to get past security?" Zim interrogated the raven haired boy.

Dib's body relaxed. He said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Oh, that was easy. I just snuck in behind y/n and your robot minion. I followed them here to make sure you weren't trying to do any tests on him/her/them."

Zim closed his eyes in amusement. "Silly human. Why would I experiment on someone who may be of value to me? I shall at least wait until I know more about him/her/them."

You snapped your head at Zim. "Excuse me, I'm right here. You're not going to experiment on me. Like never."

Dib sent you a glance, but quickly returned it back to Zim. "Just because we aren't falling for your tricks doesn't make us.. not human. We're just not one of the dumb ones that plague this Earth!"

You sent him a look that said "Exactly!" Zim was not convinced. "And you think there's not a reason for that? Every other pig filth in this town is oblivious. The only ones that can see anything that's going on are you, y/n, and your little sister!"

You drowned out the next part of the conversation. You hadn't taken Gaz into consideration. It's not often that it happens twice in one family, but it's definitely possible that Gaz is just like her older brother. It all made sense to you now. They, too, were both

"Demigods!" You gasp out loud.

Zim and Dib looked at you as though you grew a second head. Dib spoke first. "I'm sorry. What now?"

You cursed mentally. Great job y/n. Way to blow your cover. You sighed and jumped down from the counter, walking to stand next to Zim.

Aberrant Worlds (Invader Zim x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now