Epilogue: Everything Must Have Its Day

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After your trip to space, a new normal began. You (finally) took Dib and Gaz to Camp Half-Blood to meet demigods like them. Of course, they only visited or stayed at camp during the summer months because they lived with their dad, but they did receive the proper demigod training. Dib was particularly excited to learn about and meet some of the multitude of Greek monsters.

Your relationship with Zim evolved. He finally became accepting of physical touch, now being the one who initiates kissing and hugging. He has had a lot of character development and actually turned out to be a pretty good leader now that he's not hell bent on trying to appease to a higher authority.

Sadly, you weren't able to be with Zim as often as you hoped. He, being the ruler of Irk, had to often return back to his home planet for emergencies and duties. At the same time, you were busy as well on Earth. You, being Zim's right hand man/woman/person, were in charge of intergalactic relations now that the human race has created treaties with alien planets. The first being Irk. You, Zim, and the many nations Earth's leaders came together to create the Space Negotiation for the Allotment of Chipotle and Kindness, better known as SNACK. This alliance was the first of many and forever changed the Irken Empire.

Under Zim's rule, Irk began to lead all galaxies in snack manufacturing. Nachos, doughnuts, and waffles became their main export. GIR, of course, was the head chairbot over these operations. He now had bigger dreams than being a giant pizza.

Best of all, the control brains agreed to releasing their grip over the Irken Paks. It took some convincing, but they agreed to it once you used your powers of persuasion (threatened them) to show it was for the better. Now a nation inspired by love and friendly competition, each Irken was free to do whatever they wanted to do and love whomever they wished.

A new form of government replaced the old one, keeping the Tallest from being the only one with a say in matters. Elected officials from all Irken social classes were allowed to help Zim with major decisions. 

I'm sure you're wondering what became of your relationship with Zim, since I just told you about the long distance between you. Well, you can thank Dib for solving this issue. He, his dad, Professor Membrane, and other Irken scientists came together to create a powerful teleportation device. Within seconds, you could be transported across multiple galaxies. 

One day, five years after your victory, your beloved alien boyfriend decided to surprise you with his presence. You should've known something was up. Zim was very meticulous about setting times for you both to hang out together.

You were walking through the quad at the college of your dreams. That's right, even with your busy intergalactic schedule you still found time to excel in school. The leaves were dotted in reds and yellows as they fluttered all around you. The last of the summer blooms were beginning to fade in preparation of winter. You sipped on a cup of your (favorite hot drink) and hummed along to the music playing in your ear buds.

Naturally, that's when a figure materialized in front of you. Shouting in surprise, you fell backwards. Two slender arms caught you gracefully. 

"Zim!" You screeched. "I hate when you do that!" 

He hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek. "Yes, my love, which is why Zim continues to startle you."

The students that were walking around you ignored the scene before them. Thanks to the new alliances Earth has formed, they were used to seeing random aliens walking down the street beside them.

"You almost made me drop my drink!" You say dramatically before kissing him properly. "What brought you back so soon? Did you already perfect GIR's latest taco bowl recipe?"

Zim laughed a bit and rolled his eyes. "GIR is still insisting on adding peanuts and soap to the waffles. It'll be a while until we can solve the taco issue." You giggle at his comment and take his hand. "What are your plans for the day, y/n?"

You shrugged the strap of your backpack. "Nothing really. I have a Zoom meeting with some of the alien and world leaders tonight to discuss this new treaty. Why?"

"Zim is in the mood for Chipotle again. Would you like to join me?" 

"Lead the way, my tallest."


Like the first time you brought him here for nachos, he fished out a handful of money and (nicely) chucked the currency at the employee. "Keep the change."

Face palming, you apologized for his behavior before following him to your seats. Zim dropped a napkin as he placed the food down on the table. You thought he was bending down to pick it up, but once you locked eyes with him, you realized he had gotten down on one knee. Tears instantly made their way to your eyes when he pulled a beautiful ring out.

"Y/n, I, as you know, am not human. I'm hoping I'm doing this right because on Irk we don't really have a tradition when it comes to proposing." He explained, getting distracted by his words. "Anyway, what Zim wanted to say is that you are the best thing in my life. Without y/n, Zim would still be an ignorant smeet. Would you do Zim the honor to have your hand in marriage?"

You jumped out of your seat so fast it flipped over. Wrapping your arms around him, you more than happily accepted his proposal. "Yes, Zim! I thought you'd never ask!"

He slipped the ring on your finger and shrugged. "Well, Zim has already marked you before so Zim didn't realize that it was necessary to ask. Earth customs are weird."

You shoved him in his shoulder for saying that so loud. "Sweetheart, maybe you shouldn't tell the world that you marked me. That's kind of personal." You blushed.

"Eh? Well, now Zim has marked you with a ring like an Earthling."

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