To Thine Own Squeedily Spooch be True

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Okay can I first say I never understood the whole Bloody Gir thing (because I never thought it was cannon so never looked it up) until a few days ago when I started writing this chapter and I FRICKIN SEE IT! I'm so shook. How could I not have seen this?

You pulled away from the kiss. Zim's smug expression spoke a thousand words. He knew you weren't expecting something like that to happen. He's been surprising you a lot lately: the hugs, the jealousy, him saying he loves you. They were all pleasant surprises, signs that he was actually changing.

"Zim assumes y/n enjoyed the touching of mouths, yes?" He asks as he walks away.

You roll your eyes. "It was good for a newbie. You have a lot to learn still."

You were teasing, of course, but this is Zim we're talking about. He took things literally. "Zim is no amateur. I was simply testing to see how much you knew."

You hummed. "Yeah, sure Zim. How about we expand your knowledge and do a bit of cuddling? I don't know if you've noticed, but it's freezing in your base."

He hummed to himself as he searched his mind for any knowledge on the topic. GIR, on the other hand, became excited and jumped into your arms. He nuzzled his robotic head into your neck as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.

"See, even GIR knows what cuddling is. Don't tell me your robot knows more than you do about human interactions." You smirk to yourself knowing this would convince your boyfriend to do what you asked.

"Nonsense. Zim is the one who taught GIR of such things." He waves dismissively. "COMPUTER, take us to the sleeping chambers."

A shoot opened above you suddenly. It sucked the three of you up with a vacuum and transported you to a bedroom. It, surprisingly, looked normal compared to the rest of the house. You guessed Zim never used this space.

You jumped on the bed and wrapped yourself in the warm covers, excited to escape the freezing temperatures in Zim's base. GIR snuggled into your hair and began snoring away. You reached your arms out to Zim. He still didn't understand what was happening.

"Dear boyfriend, I wish for you to be here next to me." You whine.

"Zim is convinced y/n human is a giant smeet at times." Nevertheless, he moves aside the blankets and wraps his arm around your figure. You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes.

You couldn't see, but Zim had a dark blush covering his face. The weird feelings in his squeedily spooch were back. At first, he hated the feeling of winged insects slamming against the confines of his alien intestines. Now, since the feeling came every time he saw you, he kind of enjoyed it. 

Truthfully, things have been easier for Zim since he discovered his home planet's apparent hatred of him. Now that his Pak had been accidentally rewired, things made sense to him. Not only did he (coincidentally) cause the death of two former Tallests, he also destroyed half of Irk and sent the planet into darkness more than his fair share of times. So, in a way, it was true that he was a defective Irken. But somehow the day the kickball ruptured his Pak managed to fix him. He wasn't sure. Emotions are supposed to be turned off, but his failures and moronic ways aren't really there anymore.

"What's on your mind, Zimmy-boy?" You manage to say groggily. How long you had been asleep, you didn't know. You assume it couldn't have been long since Zim hadn't changed positions and GIR was still snuggled into you as well.

He hummed in surprise. "I thought you were asleep." He squeezed you tighter. "Zim was just thinking about how much he has changed since you came around. I wished you would've been here four years ago when I arrived on the filthy planet."

You yawned before looking into his magenta eyes. "You're starting to sound like those cliche Lifetime movies GIR loves to watch." You placed a hand on his chest where your head had just been. "You have changed, though. You don't scream as often anymore."

"Screaming shows power and authority." He says with a sly smile.

"Screaming that much shows insanity." You reply back. "What time is it?"

It was getting late. You try to return home a little bit after sundown to avoid any monsters and the creepy people in this town. You could've sworn a lady was walking around with a baby that talked like an old man one night. You shivered at the memory of the baby's piercing eyes.

"Would y/n like Zim to walk her/him/them home?" Your boyfriend asked. "The deadly Earth sun has already fallen from the sky."

You laughed lightly and sat up. "Yeah, I guess I should go home. A demigod's life never stops until we're eaten by a cyclops." 

He looked at you weirdly, but said nothing, which was a first for Zim. He almost always had something to say. That's how you knew his mind was busy with whatever he was thinking about while you were resting. You didn't question him further. Whatever it was, he must still be processing it.

GIR jumped up from the bed. "Where are you going? Can I come? I'm gonna come with okay?" His burst of energy continued as Computer returned you all to the main room in the house. GIR ran off to fetch their disguises. "I'm gonna eat a rat!"

"That despicable robot." Zim grumbled.

You elbowed him in his side. "Stop it. You love GIR and you know it."

He shrugged and walked away from you. Even though he didn't act like it, you knew Zim would be lost without GIR. He was Zim's first real companion and brought energy and positivity into the Irken's life.He'll admit it one day.

Short filler chapter because I had some people request fluff :) Action will be coming soon.

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