Shall I Compare Thee to Doomsday?

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As promised, you went back to Zim's base that night to help Gir make waffles. Your boyfriend refused to help, knowing the whole ordeal would end in the kitchen being covered in waffle batter. You didn't believe it could be that bad, until you were still cleaning the gooey batter from your hair as you were getting ready for school the next day. 

You plopped down in your desk. No one else had arrived to class yet. Normally, you'd spend the mornings with Zim or even Dib on days Zim didn't show up, but you couldn't bring yourself to socialize. Something felt off about today and you were restless all night.

Ms Bitters seemed to peer into your soul. "What are you doing here so early? Class doesn't start for another twenty minutes!"

"I didn't feel like talking to anyone." You respond.

The darkly clothed teacher growled at you in annoyance. You shrank into your seat, afraid of what may happen.

She slithered towards your desk, her snake tail moving swiftly behind her. Wait a minute. Snake tail?! You knew Miss Bitters was weird, but was she actually a monster? You jumped up from your seat and slowly walked backwards.

"Foolish demigod. You've ruined my plans." She hissed.

You reached for your sword that was disguised as a mechanical pencil. "P-plans? What the heck are you talking about? Who are you really?"

She cackled evilly. "Do you not recognize me? I am Echidna, the beautiful half woman, half snake Greek monster. I was after the Membrane siblings. Nothing is better than sautéed demigods." She licked her lips.

You revealed your weapon and pointed it at her. "There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said! Starting with the whole beautiful thing. You look like a smushed roach! You're not getting your hands on Dib or Gaz!"

You slashed your sword at her. She dodged your swing and lunged at you. Sliding across a desk, you rolled onto the floor to avoid her attack. Of course, this was the exact moment your alien boyfriend and Dib decided to enter the room.

"What on Irk is that?" Zim exclaimed, cowering behind the large headed boy.

Dib's eyes grew wide. "Wow a real life monster! I always knew something was up with Ms Bitters. She's been my homeroom teacher for years!"

You struggled against her, trying to avoid her teeth. "Um, guys. If you could help that would be great!" You slid a dagger across the floor. You managed to get back to your feet and cut her across her stomach.

Zim picked up the extra weapon you had given to them and threw it at the hideous beast. It connected with her heart. She exploded into golden dust that got all over you. "Great, now I have to shower again."

Zim hurried to your side and helped you up. Dib still gawked in astonishment. You huffed and handed him the stray dagger. "Here, just in case another teacher decides to try to eat you." You turned your attention to Zim. "You didn't tell me you have deadly accuracy. Who are you Diego Hargreeves?"

He waved you off. "What kind of invader would Zim be if I weren't skilled in weaponry?"He smirked deviously at you. "The almighty Zim has impressed y/n-human again, yes?"

You blushed and pushed him away. "The real question is, what are we going to do without a teacher?"

Dib shrugged and took his place in his desk. "I doubt that anyone else will notice she's gone. It's not like she actually taught us anything anyway."

Zim nodded and reciprocated Dib's actions. "The Dib-Stink is right, for once. The human worm babies will not notice the absence of the snake beast smelly. Everyone is practically brainless in this town."

"Yeah, including yourself." Dib murmured.

Before Zim could respond, the rest of the class began to file in. No one said a word about the golden dust that covered the floor and your body. Zim and Dib were correct about no one noticing the absence of their teacher. Everyone spent the period on their phones or talking amongst themselves.

When lunch time hit, you, Zim, and the Membrane siblings went to one of he tables outside of the cafeteria to talk. You all discussed the plan of action. You hated the idea of acting as a distraction alone on an alien warship. Zim assured you that you would be fine, claiming that Tallest Purple wasn't the brightest and that Red would be too focused on controlling his best friend to pose a threat.

You looked at Zim skeptically. "Wait. You knew one of your leaders was a moron and you still supported him?"

Zim looked at you as if you were crazy. "They were taller than everyone else. What could we have done?"

"Uh, the same thing we're doing right now? Start a rebellion." Gaz stated matter-of-factly. You were surprised that she was able to play her Game Slave and still be apart of the conversation. 

An attachment appeared from Zim's Pak, revealing a small screen. It was the Tallest. Zim visibly frowned at the sight. This action went unnoticed by his leaders. Dib opened his mouth to speak, but you quickly covered his mouth.

"Zim!" Almighty Purple said with fake enthusiasm. "We haven't heard from you in a while."

Red snickered. "Yeah, we thought you had died or something."

Zim deadpanned and continued to listen to them talk. It was rare for your boyfriend to want to stay silent, especially when he was mad. You squeezed his hand from across the table in support. 

"So," Purple began, interrupting himself with his laughter, "how's your mission going? Have you remembered phase two of your last plan yet?"

"You still gonna make your SIR unit into a giant pizza?" Red giggled and slapped his friend on the back.

Zim forced a smile. "Actually, Zim has discovered phase two of his evil plan. You will be most surprised, my Tallests." He allowed them to share a moment of stifled laughter before speaking again. "I'm taking over the armada. I am tall enough to rule over Irk and I am the rightful leader. Step down now or prepare for war."

"That isn't funny, Zim." Red said, clearly enraged. "Take that back right now, or you'll suffer the consequences." When the invader said nothing, Red sent an order to the Irkens controlling the ship. "Change the coordinates. We're heading to Earth."

Zim hung up the call, a smug look on his face. Dib wasn't too happy about this. "How the heck are we supposed to defeat the entire Irken Armada? I thought we were just going for the Mothership?!"

Zim picked up his lunch tray and stood. "Calm down, human. I have already contacted allies from previously conquered planets. We have over a hundred ships to help us."

"And so the balance shifts." You stand with your palms against the table. "Let's do this."

Since I joked about Ms Bitters being a monster, I decided to actually make her be one to help fill the gap in this chapter.

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