Chapter 3 Beginning

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Ryujin and Lia's conversation were interrupted by a sudden light's out. Unfortunately, it was already night fall and with the windows covered by the curtains, it was evidently dark inside the office.

"I..I'll check outside" Lia stated approaching the door to step outside but when her hand was almost ready to turn the knob, Ryujin interrupted. "It's better to wait for the electricity to be back" Ryujin was keen at how the voice of the girl in front of her slightly trembled. It didn't pass her eyes how the almost silhouette figure in front of her somewhat flinched the moment the lights went off. The student president never pulled her sight off the girl despite the sudden occurrence of the situation.

"but..." Lia was anxious. She was never fond of the dark. She wanted to get out as much as possible to see what's going on. It was getting frustrated for her to hide her fear, but she tried to pull it in. "I know this is a school. But I can't guarantee your safety, definitely not in this dark and definitely not with that face" Ryujin stated, now leaning in front of her table with her arms crossed on her chest. "F-face? What are you tal--" Lia was dumfounded at the last part of the student president's words but her reply was cut off by the sounds coming from outside of the office.

Sound of running, screeching, thuds and screams echoed the whole campus. It made Ryujin and Lia's mouth slightly open. They can't believe what they're hearing. It felt like a total chaos on the other side of the door. Before they could act up, the door abruptly opened making the two gasped in shock.

There showed another female student who hurriedly shut and locked the door leaning on it. Her snow-white skin complements the crimson red color stained on her neck and cheek. The same color was visible on some parts of her uniform. The student was in pure shocked and unfocused as she tries to catch her breath. "What happened?!" Ryujin asked in horror followed by Lia who startled on what she's seeing. " that blood?!" pointing on the crimson red color on the student.

Upon attempting to regain herself, the student was able talk "I... a student tried to hurt me. He grabbed me so aggressively... he... doesn't look... sane at all. And blood... blood was all over him" Chaeryeong was in total shock as she tries to remember the horrible thing that happened. Ryujin walked to the student to calm and checked her if she wasn't hurt after hearing what she stated. She was able to read the name written on the uniform 'Lee Chaeryeong'.

Not long after, a slam on the other side of the door was heard which made Lia, Ryujin and Chaeryeong's attention, diverted to it. It was followed by screeching sound by a man's figure that can be seen through the blurred glass part of the door. "What the heck?!" Lia exclaimed. Ryujin on the other hand was fast enough to pull Chaeryeong away from the door and quietly guided the two to step back to the far end of the room across the door. Upon reaching the far end, Ryujin slowly pulled them to sit. "What should we do?" the new girl frightenedly asked. "Shhh.. stay quiet" the student president whispered, not taking her eyes off the door.

The trio stayed quiet not taking their eyes off the banging door, not until screams from what might be students got the man's attention making it ran off to the direction. The noise faded making the three set out a sigh for escaping such situation.

"What's happening out there?!" Trying to contain her fear, Lia exclaimed in general. After completely blocking the door with a table, Ryujin diverted her eyes towards Chaeryeong,

"You tell us."

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