Chapter 24

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The next day I was woken up by yelling between Toby and Masky. I grabbed the hoodie Toby gave me and went to see what was going on. When I walked in Toby was sitting up in his bed half-awake, yelling about it being 6 in the morning. 

"(Y/N) please tell him that you guys need to get ready for school," Masky begged me. 

"Toby remember the mission we were sent to do?" I looked at him, "Yeah that mission starts today. When it comes around to school you can't show up late especially not to private schools,". 

"FINE!", he yelled, "I'll go but if this girl turns out to be a let down I'll kill her on the spot when we get her back home". 

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. I opened my closet and pulled out a white jacket, white mini skirt, black long sleeve shirt, and went to my dresser and pulled out knee-high socks. I went to the bathroom and took a fast shower. I dried my hair and went back to my room to put my uniform on. I pulled on a pair on high boots and went downstairs to get coffee. The last time I had been up this early was a few months ago when we brought in a new recruit at the mansion.

I put the coffee in a portable mug and waited for Toby to come down. I was expecting to see him in all white however, his uniform was almost the exact opposite of mine. He had a black jacket with white details and a white shirt under his jacket. He had on black pants and the only thing that matched on our uniforms was our shoes which were both black. 

"Where is your jacket?", Toby asked me. 

"I don't want to wear it until we have to leave its too stiff," I told him. 

"If you don't wear it you aren't going to get used to it any time soon". 

"I don't care". 

Masky walked into the room with two small boxes and places one in front of each of us, "Here these are from Slenderman he thought that you might like them and that you will blend in better". 

"Aren't these phones?", I asked. 

"Yeah they are the newest models of iPhones," he said, "This way you two can keep in contact with me and each other and just in case some kids ask you for your numbers. Making friends will keep the target at ease,".

"Thanks, we gotta get going or we are going to be late. Bye Masky,".

Toby and I left the house and started running to the bus station where we were told we had to meet with about 5 other kids including our target. When we got there everyone was looking at us. I realized that I was still clutching my jacket in my hand and that we were sprinting all the way to the bus stop. 

I straightened up and put my jacket on. Toby handed me my bag and we walked over to a tree and stood under it. Everyone kept staring at us so we turned out backs to them and just looked at each other so that they would think we were talking to each other. It was only around 7 and we were already tired. 

When the bus finally came, Toby and I tried to be the first ones on the bus. We got a seat in the far back of the bus and sat there. We took out our phones and started to screw around with them. 

The school was a lot closer than we had thought and there were a lot more students then we would have liked. Toby and I got off the bus and walked into the school to find the main office. While we didn't like the idea of going to school we did know that we had to act like good students. This wasn't going to be easy because neither of us finished school and we needed to come up with a reason that Joe wouldn't be in school for a while if at all. 

We finally found the office and walked in. It was just like the office at my old school but a little bit bigger and it was decorated more. I walked over the desk with Toby behind me, "Hi I'm (Y/N) and this is Toby. We came by to get our schedules for the day,". 

"(Y/N) and Toby Rogers," the lady said, "isn't there supposed to be a Joe Pasta with you?". 

"Joe won't be attending for a while," she gave me a look that asked for an explanation so I went on, "You see none of us are related in any way we are all adopted and Joe is just being fostered for now so he needs to go back to the home that we all came from for regular check-ins on how he is feeling and he also has a medical issue which they treat him for at the home. He might not be coming back tho because recently he did get into a fight with me and it started to turn physical and that's when Toby stepped in. That's what happened to his face and Joe might not be attending or returning to our home,". 

"Well I'm very sorry to hear about that," she wrote something down and then started to shift through her papers, "She was probably going to call Masky to check on that story, "Here are your schedules. The two of you have the same classes until after lunch and then you are going to go your separate ways. That's when the fighting classes begin. You two will be assessed over the next week and put into a class that is right for you so after lunch your schedule is not set in stone yet,".

"What do you mean fighting class" Toby spoke up from behind me. 

I could tell that the same worry was going through his mind as well. If we went all out then we might give ourselves away and if we held back then instinct might take over if we are put in a lower class and we could ruin this mission. We were both on edge with this. 

"The first half of the day for the upperclassmen is your academics while the underclassmen focus on their combat skills," she was starting to look annoyed at this point, "if the two of you can't hold your own against seniors you will fight with kids in your grade, the juniors, and if you can't fight the juniors then you will be with the underclassmen and we will have to change your schedule. However, if you can fight a senior and hold your own you will train with them. If you win you will be placed in coed combat training. We don't just want to make minds strong but bodies too. This will be explained more when you got to be assessed.  Now please go to class you will be late,".

Toby and I took the papers and left the office. We went to go and find our classroom and to see if we could find our target. We weren't sure what to do about after lunch but we did know that during lunch we were probably going to give Masky a call or run to the woods to find Slenderman to see what we need to do about the combat training. 

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