Chapter 26

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By the time that we got home, Toby and I were exhausted. It had been a while since either of us had gone to school or even talked to anyone outside of the creepypasta mansion. When we did it was only to our victims and it wasn't ever anything nice. Mostly it was trash talk, so our people skills are a little rusty. 

When we got home we dropped our bags at the door and dropped on the couch. Toby turned on the T.V. and I took out my phone to download more music and make it seem like I've had it more than 8 hours. When I was done I put my back to Toby's chest and fell asleep. Who would have guessed that school would take so much out of me? Yet I still had to go back to the mansion and patrol tonight. There wasn't much I could do about that though. I just had to stay awake for school the next day. 

When I woke up Masky was shaking me and Toby. He was just staring at us with a scowl on his face. I looked outside to see if it was that late that I was late to patrols but I wasn't so I looked at him and sat up. When Toby finally woke up he crossed his arms over his chest and looked us up and down. 

"You two do know that you are students, right?" he asked us. 

"We did spend all day at school, in uniforms, so yeah," I said and stood up and started to walk away. 

Masky grabbed my arm and threw me to the couch, "you two are supposed to do your homework before you go on patrol. You need to be decent students and get school work and everything is done. It's not like the school you went to before you became a proxy (y/n),". 

"I know,". 

"No you don't," he started to raise his voice, "Your aunt isn't there to save your ass anymore. Understand? We don't have anyone on the inside that can give you guys an excuse as to why school work isn't done. You are shit out of luck". 


"I'll do her homework for her tonight so she doesn't have to stress about getting it done before her patrols," he turned to me, "you can get some rest before patrols and then eat something before you go,". 

"I'm going to go back early today," I said, "I'm gonna go get changed and then I'm leaving,". 

I ran to my room and put my patroling clothes on and put a clean school uniform in my bag so that I could get ready for school at the mansion. I know that there will be jokes but I won't have time to stop by at home. I made sure that I had everything that I needed and made sure to have my makeup so I could cover all my scars. When I had everything I went downstairs and grabbed some money from my purse. I grabbed my school bag and threw that over my shoulder. I grabbed a sword and threw a pocket knife into my school bag and went to put my shoes on. 

I went downstairs and put my things by the stairs, then went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed everything I needed to make a sandwich. (The kind of sandwich or what is on it is up to you.) When I was done making my sandwich I grabbed a water and say at the table to eat. While I was sitting there Toby sat across from me. 

"That was a pretty big fall out between you two," he said. 

"He shouldn't have brought up my old school," I said looking down, "same with my aunt. She has nothing to do with this,".

"I know that and I'm sure he realized that after you left,". 

"How do you know?". 

"After you went to your room he had a pained look on his face and then went out to go get us more food,". 

"I'm sorry," I said. 

"It's fine," he said, "Why are you taking your school bag with you?". 

"I won't have time tomorrow to stop by and get it so I'm going to get ready at the mansion and meet you at the bus stop or school if I miss it,".

"I'll take it to the bus stop with me in the morning and if you aren't there then I'll take it to school and see you there," he said, "and I can do your homework tonight too,". 

"Thanks, Toby," I said, " I should get going by the time I get there I'll have to start patrols,". 

I finished my sandwich and brought it to the sink. I grabbed another bottle of water to take with me to the mansion and left the house. I ran as fast as I could to the mansion so I would at least have time to put my things in my room and catch my breath. 

While I was patroling I kept getting lost in thought. I kept thinking about Toby. All I wanted to do was see him at that moment. I was happy that he was taking such good care of me and was watching out for me. I was also thinking about Joe and how he was the one who killed my parents. They might not have been good to me, and I don't even care about them, but they were still my parents. He was my boyfriend for so long and never told me until he snapped and he used it as a way to torture me.

 I was about to turn around and head back towards the mansion when I saw something move in the corner of my eye. It was almost trying to sneak up on me. I was so caught up in thought that I didn't notice that someone was in the woods and following me.

I decided that I would start walking the way I was going to see what they would do. Whoever they were, they couldn't tail anyone very well. I walked into a clearing and turned around to see bring blue hair. I quickly pulled up my hood realizing who it was and ran. I ran as fast as I could away from the mansion. I could hear her running behind me but she was struggling to keep up.  I saw a lake ahead of me and jumped in. I swam over to a dock and went under it to hide. I saw her along the shore looking for me. 

After being there for an hour waiting for me she ran to the other side of the lake and back into the woods. She must have thought that I made it across the lake and was running that way. I waited for about 10 minutes until I very slowly made it to a point under the dock that I could see every part of the woods around the lake. Incase she was hiding there. I saw something moving along the tree line on the right so I went underwater and felt around for a rock. When I found one I moved out to the other side of the dock and threw the rock towards the trees. I made the rock into the trees and saw her go running in that direction. I got out of the water and took off my hoodie. I put it in a boat that was by the dock and ran as fast as I could to the way that she was. I started screaming in my head for slender man. After what seemed like a long time he answered me. 

"What is wrong child," he asked. 

"It's the target," I said, "She's in the woods and chasing me. She hasn't seen my face but I think she is trying to follow me to you or to kill me,". 

He showed up in front of me just in time. She came from the other side of me and tried to run at me. Slenderman wrapped his tentacles around me and we teleported to the house. He told me that he would take care of her and that I should patrol closer to the house for tonight and Jeff would take the outer parts of the woods. I did as I was told and the rest of the night was uneventful. Nothing but a few animals that came by and nothing else.

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