Chapter Eight: Touch Starved

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Before I start, I want to thank you guys so much for 1k reads on this story! It really means a lot to me, and I can't thank you enough for the support!

Mumbo felt restless.

Never in his life did he think he would crave touch of any kind, but after four months of Grian refusing to even nudge him...

It was like an annoying itch he couldn't quite reach.

"Ah! I don't have it!"

Mumbo looked over the top of his book as Grian tackled Scar to the ground, Iskall and Stress laughing at the scene before them.

With the weather warming, the five third years had taken to the grounds to strip off their winter robes and enjoy the sunny day. As usual, Mumbo had opted to read a book while his friends sat a couple feet away, laughing and playing games.

Struggling to focus, he couldn't help but notice the charming casualty of Grian's clothes; the scruffy nature of his button up, untucked from his trousers with the top three buttons undone, his dirty blond hair curling wildly around his face, flushed with laughter.

"You're so tiny how are you so strong!" Scar whined as Grian pinned him down, reaching into the Hufflepuff's pocket to take back the chocolate frogs he had swiped.

Mumbo's fingers tightened painfully on the edges of his book as Grian poked Scar in the ribs, making him shriek.

It felt like he was being punished.

"It's not my fault you're a bad thief" Grian smirked, getting off of Scar and helping him sit up. "Go on Iskall, your turn"

"I fold" Iskall sighed, putting down his cards. "Want to practice flying?"

"Yes!" Grian exclaimed jumping up so fast that Scar jumped.

The two ran off to get their brooms without another word while Stress giggled at their never ending enthusiasm for Quidditch. 

"Ha! He missed one" Scar said, fishing a slightly smushed chocolate frog from his pocket and ripping the wrapper open.

Mumbo huffed a quiet laugh and rolled his eyes.

"What is it with you two and fighting over candy?"

"It's fun" he shrugged. "We both carry it in our bags at all times, and I had to get him back for replacing all my milk toffees with puking pastilles"

Stress laughed at the memory of Scar vomiting into his cauldron in the middle of potions.

"I mean you did hide those endless ticking pocket watches in his earmuffs"

Scar doubled over in laughter.

"I thought his ears would fall off from the cold with how red they got" he straightened up and shoved the chocolate in his mouth. "Besides, you know how much he loves to prank us. It's well deserved payback"

"You have no right to complain! He pranks me the most by far" Mumbo remarked, putting down his book as he read the same sentence for the sixth time.

"He wouldn't if you didn't get flustered so easily" Stress pointed out, jabbing her finger into his shoulder.

Mumbo felt his ears burn.

"I-I don't get flustered"

Scar and Stress glanced at each other and burst into laughter.

"It's not funny! I said it's not funny!"

Mumbo covered his face with his hands, ever so grateful that Grian was still far away.

"Oh Mumbo it's ok!" Stress giggled. "You have a crush, it's normal"

Mumbo felt his stomach knot up and heat creep up his neck.

"I d-don't have a... not on Grian... I don't know what you're talking about!"

"She didn't say Grian" Scar chided with a smirk.

"You guys don't know what you're talking about!"


"I don't like him!"

"Don't like who?"

The three Hufflepuffs turned to see Grian and Iskall who had landed so softly behind them, they hadn't heard them.

Mumbo instantly opened his book and forced his eyes to the page, keeping it close to hide his face.

"Snape" he heard Stress say casually. "We were talking about potions"

"Who does" Iskall snorted. "Come on Grian, I'll race you to the forest and back"

"You're on!"

Mumbo didn't lift his eyes until the tell tale sound of brooms faded away.


"Mumboooooooo... I'm dying" Grian moaned into his Charms book.

"You're not"

"I aaaaaaaaammmmmm"

Mumbo tried to bite back a laugh at the pout he received from the Slytherin boy as he pushed his parchment and quill across the table.

"Come on Grian, we have exams in two weeks"

"How could I forget" Grian grumbled. "At least we have summer holiday to look forward to"

Mumbo felt the slight twinge of dread in his stomach that always came with leaving Hogwarts. Summer for him just meant more studying, only without the company of his friends and under the strict direction of his parents.

"Hey are you ok?"

Mumbo snapped back to the present and was startled to see the concerned expression on Grian's face as he studied him closely.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, sorry"

"You don't have to apologize" Grian said with a soft grin that made Mumbo's stomach do a flip flop. "You just looked kind of sad"

"I'm fine, really"

Grian looked like he wanted to say more, but settled for one of his dazzling smiles instead.

Not that Mumbo minded.

At the level of touch withdrawal he was at, any tiny gesture was enough to make him feel as though he had swallowed a hundred butterflies.

Staying silent was starting to make him go crazy, but just the mere thought of saying I don't mind if you touch me made his cheeks redden in embarrassment.

It's not like he wanted anything weird or inappropriate! He just hated the way he could tell Grian was holding himself back and being overly cautious as to not make Mumbo uncomfortable.

Stupid brain. Stupid Iskall. Stupid crush...

He shook his head and pressed his fingernails into his palms.

Not a crush, not a crush. A friend. A close friend. This will all blow over after summer holiday... I won't see him for three months...

Mumbo forced himself back into his studies, blatantly ignoring the tightening in his chest.

Not a crush

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry it's so short, I'm still in the middle of exams. If you did enjoy, please consider leaving a like and a comment to let me know what you think!

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