shopping gone wrong

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Jungkooks pov

"Puddin'!!! I wanna go out!!!! I'm booooooooooooored!!!"
I jump up and down ontop of jimin who was asleep, he groans "princess stop jumping around or I will punish you....we can go out okay?.... we'll go shopping and I'll buy you loads of pretty stuff okay???"

I gasp "really?!! We get to go shopping???" I stop jumping and sit on jimins legs, he sits up and nods "yes, anything for my princess....get off and go get dressed and meet me downstairs in 5 minutes okay?" I nod "yes puddin'" I climb off him and kiss his cheek, I then run into my room (jimin doesn't wanna share a room)

I get dressed into some fishnets,black denim shorts that barley cover anything,I put on a black t-shirt,a leather jacket, some fingerless leather gloves,my choker and black converse. I then put some gum in my mouth and giggle

I look at the time....shit!....I run downstairs to see jimin stood in ripped black jeans, a white t-shirt and a purple jacket "you're 30 seconds late" I pout "im sorry puddin'!it won't happen again I promise! When you tell me a time I'll be here....I'm sorry" he chuckles "I'll let it slide this once got your gun??"

I nod and lift up my t-shirt to show him my gun that is tucked into my shorts, he nods "good boy, come on now... remember the cops are out looking for us....we have to stay in the shadows..." I nod "I know...we won't get caught I promise!" He smirks and holds out his hand "come on then princess"

I grab his hand, we walk's been awhile since I've been out here.....jimin doesn't let me out much....I look around and giggle "it's so pretty..."
We walk to the mall, people around us either scream and run away or just run quickly without saying anything

.............. taehyungs pov............


Me and Namjoon with the rest of the officers run to the mall, we all were in bulletproof vests, we all hold our guns. Namjoon looks around "he has a sidekick now....we don't know if they're as dangerous as careful...don't get hit!" We all nod and start to walk into the was the joker who killed my best friend....he killed jungkook!!! I will get my revenge! Nobody touches my best friend!!!!

................jungkooks pov.............

We walk into a store, the mall was now Empty, jimin was stood outside the store waiting for me, I gasp and pick up a small handbag "awwwe it's so's mine now" I hear cop sirens,I roll my eyes and ignore them, I look around "apart from this bag there is nothing decent in here"

I walk out the store and look around "puddin'????" I gasp when I see jimin being restrained by Namjoon, i growl "YOU'RE RUINING MY DATE!!!!" The police officers look at me and gasp, taehyung tilts his head "Jungkook?!" I grab my gun and point it towards them "let my puddin' go!!"

Namjoon looks at taehyung "talk some sense into him!" Taehyung nods and walks towards me,I put my finger on the trigger "I said LET HIM GO!!!" Taehyung stops in his path "jungkook stop this!! You're a physiatrist! Not a villan!!! You need to stop!" I shake my head "I am not a physiatrist! I am a criminal and I will always be one!!! And my name isn't's Harley Quinn....I'd advise you give my puddin' back or I will shoot"

Nobody moves, I giggle "fine~" I pull the trigger, taehyung gasps and holds his shoulder "ow! You've gone crazy jungkook!!!" Namjoon gasps "EVERYONE OUT! QUICKLY!" I push taehyung to the floor and point the gun to his head, I look at Namjoon "joker goes or I will kill" taehyung shakes his head "NAMJOON NO!!"

I kick him in the stomach making him wince "shut it.....I was planning on killing you anyways" Namjoon looks at taehyung and then at jimin, jimin was smiling, I walk towards Namjoon, he steps back still holding jimin. I giggle "scared?~ don't be scared joon~ just let my puddin' go and you can live another day~" he stops walking, jimin gasps "HARLEY DUCK!"

I gasp but then wince when I get shot in my arm, I turn around to see taehyung holding a gun in my direction still holding his shoulder, I laugh "that wasn't a wise decision~" I kick Namjoon so he falls to the floor,I grab jimin and pull him away from the cops, y'know for a villan jimin isn't doing much.....i don't care...I must protect my puddin' at all costs

Namjoon stands up and runs to taehyung helping him up,jimin leans down to my ear and whispers "don't kill them yet~......we can kill them another day and have more fun~" I giggle and nod, I put my gun back in my shorts and cover it with my t-shirt

Taehyung looks at me with tears rolling down his cheeks "you've been brainwashed jungkook!! Come home!!!" I cross my arms "my home is with love for him is stronger than your mad house walls...goodbye taehyung.... we'll meet again.....but next time....only one of us will be leaving~"

Namjoon points a gun at me "I don't want to shoot you Jungkook but you're a twisted human!!" I laugh "I may be twisted but at least I make it interesting" he pulls the trigger,I pull jimin out the way and dodge it. I then take the bag I picked up and I chuck it at him, as he turns away I grab jimin and quickly walk away to the roof of the mall. I manage to get the restrains off jimin

Jimin smirks "you were so brave princess" I giggle "I'll do anything for you puddin'" I huff when I hear a police officer with a megaphone "COME DOWN! WE HAVE THE PLACE SURROUNDED!!! HANDS IN THE AIR OR WE WILL SHOOT!!!!" Jimin smirks "time to call yoongi~" I nod

I pull out my phone and call yoongi,he answers "already on my way" I giggle and hang up.
///////A few minutes later///////

The police officer says "IF YOU WON'T COME DOWN THEN WE'RE COMING UP!!!! MOVE IN!!!" I hear footsteps running up the stairs to the roof, jimin then laughs "here's yoongi~" I look up to see a helicopter,a ladder is dropped, jimin climbs up first, the door bursts open, jimin looks down "CLIMB UP!!" I grab the ladder and start to climb up, yoongi starts to fly away

Police officers shoot at us, I laugh and pull out my gun still holding on to the ladder with one hand and shoot back killing many police officers, I see some police helicopters heading our way, I huff "that's no fair" I then shoot at them and gun isn't strong Enough.....I climb up the ladder as we fly away, jimin grabs my hand and pulls me in.

He tilts his head "what are you doing?" I walk past him and grab a bigger gun, I sit with my legs dangling out the helicopter,I shoot at the police helicopters making them fall and crash. Once we are far enough away is shuffle back into the helicopter and chuck the gun to the side. Yoongi chuckles "you are too reckless Harley"

I laugh and look at jimin "did I impress you???" He nods "you did...I am very proud of you....however now we won't go shopping anymore" I pout "but puddin' that was fun!! time you could help me!!" He chuckles "maybe...."

We arrive back at our 'base' we land and all climb out, I run inside and to Felix "FELIX GUESS WHAT I DID?!!" He jumps and looks at me "you nearly killed two police officers and then actually killed 120 in the mall?" I tilt my head "how did you know?" He points to the TV


On the screen was a picture of me, I giggle "I'm famous~......but I'm also not a girl..." I continue looking at the TV and see taehyung on screen,he sighs "Harley Quinn is no ordinary criminal....Harley used to be known as Dr jeon" the interviewer gasps "the beautiful and kind physiatrist at the mental prison?!" Taehyung nods "when the joker escaped it was assumed he had killed Dr jeon because he was a physiatrist....but we were wrong....somehow the joker brainwashed Dr jeon and made him go crazy!!.....however it is my task now to bring my best friend back.....this whole situation is the reason i became an officer....I won't stop until the joker is either locked up or dead"

I growl and throw a knife that was on the floor at the TV,the TV breaks, Felix gasps "whoa! Why'd you do that?!" I look at him "I will kill kim taehyung, he doesn't dare touch my puddin'!! I will cut both his hands off!!!!!!" Felix gulps and steps back. Jimin walks to us "princess what's wrong?" I look at him "Kim taehyung...that's what's wrong....he needs to go"

Jimin smirks and nods "you can do that tomorrow....for now take a rest and go to Han so he can patch up your wound" I huff "fine..." I kiss his cheek and walk away to find Han

Kim taehyung will die.... nobody touches my puddin' and gets away with it....

Watch out Tae Tae....jungkookie is gonna find and end you~

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