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Jungkooks pov

Soobin walks to me "eomma? Can we go out today? Just me and you?" I look at him and nod "of course baby....where are we going?" He giggles "on a walk....we haven't been alone together much and I miss my eomma" I chuckle "of course...let's go! SPOT!"

spot runs to us and laughs. Soobin giggles "he's very cute" I nod "he is isn't he" I look at jimin who smirks "go ahead babies...have fun okay?" We both nod and walk out. We walk to the park and spot walks next to me, he looks at me "I'm sorry for being rude eomma..."

I ruffle his hair "don't apologize.....us villians dont apologize....." He sighs "eomma....what if I don't wanna be a villian?" I look at him and stop walking "what?" He sighs "I'm alone eomma! I want friends! Everyone is scared of me at school!"

I cross my arms "fine! Be a shitty good boy and go against everything me and your father have worked for" he grabs my hand "eomma-" I glare at him "go home soobin. I'm not having this conversation with you" he looks down and then walks back home.

It starts to rain. I look at spot "come on baby.... you'll never abandon me..." I walk to the chemical vat where me and Jimin first fell in love with one another. I look at spot "this is where it all started..." I walk inside and see the acid below.


Mistah jay smirks "question~"
I turn to look at him and he chuckles and walks to me "would you die for me?"
I look at him and nod "yes"
He scoffs "that's too easy.....would you.." he looks me up and down "would you live for me?"

I hesitate and he smirks "hmm?" I nod "yes"  he points at me "careful.....do not say this oath thoughtlessly" he covers my mouth "desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power" he then moves his finger to my lips and smirks "you want this?~"

I watch him "I do" he tips his head back "say it....say it.....say it~" he looks at me again "pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty-"
I whimper a little "please..."
He smiles "oh god you're so.....good!~"

I look down at the acid beneath us and he looks at me holding his arms out. I look at him and then hold my arms out and fall backwards into the acid below.

And the next thing I know....when I open my eyes...I'm being kissed by the love of my life

*End of flashback*

I look down at the acid "this is where I went crazy....where he let me in" I sit on the edge of the platform. Spot sits next to me with his head on my shoulder.
I hear someone behind me. They gasp "whoa! Harley Quinn!"

I look behind me to see a man with red hair "ugh....what the fuck do you want? Have you come here to kill me or something?" he smiles "I'm a huge fan! My name is poison ivy....but you can call me chanyeol"

but you can call me chanyeol"

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I roll my eyes "fuck off....I'm not in the mood" he sighs "you don't remember me?" I scoff "obviously not! Now FUCK OFF!" He steps back "you and joker injected me with poisons and toxins as an experiment, causing my transformation. I nearly died twice as a result of these poisonings, driving me insane.....I want to be like you Harley!"

He walks to me and spot growls at him. I shake my head "nobody can be like me....now run alone" he sighs "please Harley! I want to be feared!" I stand up and walk towards him "AND I WANT TO BE LEFT THE FUCK ALONE! NOW LEAVE BEFORE I FUCKING STAB YOU!" His eyes widen and he rushes out the building..

I look at spot and huff "seriously some people are so fucking annoying" he laughs making me giggle. I walk out the building and huff seeing poison ivy following me. I look at him "you're a shit stalker....what the fuck can you do anyway?"

He gasps "I have toxins in my blood stream that make my touch deadly and allow me to be immune to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. I have also displayed a power of charm, which puts people under ny influence. i also possess the power to make plant life do as i wish!"

I nod "so you're basically useless....cool to know....now please fuck off and leave me alone" she sighs "we aren't very different Harley.... we're quite similar" I cross my arms
"Oh? We are well....have you ever been shot?"


"Did you fall in love with a psychopath?"


"Were you ever a psychiatrist?"


"Have you ever tortured someone?"


"Have you ever killed someone?"

"Well....not exactly"

"Have you ever held a gun?"


I smirk "that's what I thought....you aren't a criminal....you're a rebellious teenager who wants to kill their ex or something....come back to me when you kill someone" he crosses his arms "I'll kill someone who you know then"

I turn and start to walk away "I wouldn't if I was you~ remember who you're talking to~"

He gasps when suddenly I'm behind him with my arm around his shoulders "you come near my family and I'll make your life a living hell....you will WISH you were never born" spot laughs and I smirk

I then kiss chanyeol's cheek "make sure to do your homework~" I then walk away with spot next to me.
The rain gets harder and I huff arriving home. I see soobin stood outside, he looks at me "eomma-" I cut him off "I'm going to bed"

I walk inside and jimin looks at me "what's happened between you and soobin?" I growl "nothing....now I'm going to bed.... goodnight" I pick joy up and she giggles. I then walk to mine and jimins bedroom after putting joy to bed.
I change into a hoodie and shorts and then lay down on the bed with spot next to me cuddling up to me chewing on an arm of one person I tortured before.

My own son doesn't want to follow in my footsteps.....that's fine! He can be a goody two shoes police officer.....but he'll regret it the day he has to fight against one of us...

And that chanyeol?...poison ivy....what the fuck was his deal?! Who is a FAN of Harley Quinn.....he's just a kid....he hasn't ever held a gun before which I find hilarious......I just hope he doesn't bother me anymore....I have enough stress with all of my own family at home....
Jimin will be furious If he finds out soobin wants to be normal and nor a criminal....

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