father son bonding

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Jimins pov

Jungkook leaves the base leaving me alone with soobin........
Can I break a baby??????????....

How do I.......care for a baby?
He needs food.....what can he eat?
How do I put him to sleep??
How do I change his diaper??

I look at soobin who looks at me with a mischievous smile on his face.
I huff "what do I do son?" He tilts his head making me chuckle "you have your mother's beautiful eyes"
I kiss his head and gasp a little when he puts his small hand on my nose.

He giggles and then hits me in the face. I gasp "soobin...no" he giggles and hits me again.
I growl a little and put soobin on the floor "don't hit me!" He looks up at me and he starts to cry.

I gasp "oh no no no no no no no no no.....how do I stop this?!.....you never cry when eomma is around!" He screams loudly "holy shit....you scream louder than your mother"
I look around "how to stop a baby crying?!"

I see Felix and changbin walk out. Felix looks at me "joker? What's going on?" I gasp "guys!! How do I make soobin be silent?" Changbin chuckles "pick him up and cuddle him" I hesitate but pick soobin up and cuddle him.

He stops crying and grips my shirt with his small hands.
Felix giggles "did Harley leave you alone to watch soobin??" I nod "yes....and....I'm stuck.....what do babies eat....how do I know if I have to change his diaper....and do I have to give him some kind of drugs for him to go to sleep?"

Felix gasps "god no!! No drugs! And you'll know if he needs changing because he will smell and his diaper will be full.....babies have their mothers milk....there is a bottle out in the kitchen, just heat that up a little and feed that to him....and don't give him any drugs joker.... that'll kill him....sway him a little in your arms until he falls asleep" I nod "alright....I've got this"

They both walk back into their room.
I look at soobin who smiles innocently and then starts to cry. I groan "what the fuck do you want child?!" I walk to the kitchen and heat up the bottle a little.
I then shove it in his mouth but he pushes it away and cries louder.

I huff and slam the bottle down on the counter and then lay him down on the table after getting a diaper and some wipes.
I change his diaper even though there was nothing in the one he had on.

He still cries louder.
I start to lose my patients "what.the.fuck.do.you.want.child?" He looks at me and stops crying "a-a-a-appa"

I pick him up "what?" He giggles and puts both of his hands on my cheeks.
I then move him so hes led down in my arms, I then sway a little trying to get him to sleep. He just giggles making me even more annoyed.

I put him down in his crib we had downstairs and he starts to cry.
I grab my phone calling jungkook, he picks up instantly "Hiya puddin' I can't talk long the police are chasin' me"

I groan "come home and sort this spawn of Satan out..." He giggles "what has soobin done to you?" I hear gun shots in the background. I huff "he won't tell me what he wants! I tried to feed him! I did his diaper even though there was nothing in the one he had on!! And when I tried to get him to sleep he giggled at me!!!"

Jungkook laughs "oh puddin'....maybe he has a tummy ache....he did drink a lot of milk earlier....he might be in pain puddin'...." I scoff "hold on....let me try this" I put the phone on speaker and hold it to soobin "speak to this child of Satan"
Jungkook giggles "hiya baby boy....are you being a cheeky baby for Appa?"

Soobin stops crying and giggles trying to get the phone.
Jungkook laughs a little "soobin baby....I'll be home soon....until then....be a good good baby for Appa......I love you baby boy!!" Soobin giggles and hold the phone close to him making me smile a little.

I huff "right.... son.....your eomma will be home soon....let's sit and stare at the door until he gets back" I hear Jungkook laugh on the other end of the phone.
I take the phone back from soobin and chuckle "see you in a minute Princess....love you" Jungkook giggles "love you too puddin'....don't kill our son" I huff and he hangs up.

I look back at soobin and sigh "right.....do you want a bottle now?" I walk to the kitchen and grab the bottle.
I walk back and put the bottle in his mouth, he drinks a tiny bit and then pushes it away.

I take deep breaths to calm down.
Soobin then starts crying.
I groan "THAT'S IT!!!" I pick him up and he goes quiet....I put him on the couch so he was sat up and I grab a knife "here have this....I'm fed up with your fucking crying"

Soobin giggles and takes it from me and then I sit down on the couch next to him with one leg in front of him on the couch do he doesn't fall.
I wince a little when he cuts my leg a little.
He continues to play with the knife when he suddenly yawns.

I don't say anything, he chucks the knife on the ground and then crawls to me and lays on my chest falling asleep.
I chuckle a little and close my eyes also falling asleep.

Jungkooks pov

I arrive back home with the others. We all walk inside and my heart almost bursts at the sight of jimin led on the couch with soobin on his chest both asleep.
Jin chuckles "I thought you said he wasn't coping?"
I smile and look at Jin "I guess he worked it out"

"No I didn't....never leave me alone with him for that long again"

I turn around to see jimin looking at me.i walk to him and kiss his head "what happened puddin'?" He huffs "I couldn't understand what he wanted....so I gave him a knife and he shut up...my leg is all bloody but at least he shut the fuck up.......I couldn't stand his noise anymore"

Jimin gasps "he's awaking....the bomb is about to blow" I roll my eyes a little and crouch down. Soobin opens his eyes and looks at me. I giggle "hello baby boy...." Soobin giggles and then moves and wraps his arms around my neck. I smile and pick him up hugging him tightly.

Jimin stares at us "what..... the.... actual....fuck?????" I laugh a little "he'll adore you one day puddin'.....don't worry" my eyes widen when he Huff's "I want another kid so I can be their favourite" I gulp "I dunno i-"

He stands up making me gulp. I nod " of course....yep.....maybe later though?....I just got home?" He nods "as soon as you step foot in that bedroom I want the process to begin.... understand me Harley Quinn?"

Baekhyun laughs a little "oh shit he called you Harley Quinn" I glare at him and then look back at jimin and nod "yes joker....I understand" he smirks "good boy" he walks away.

I look at soobin "I'm not gonna be able to walk because of you.....thank you baby boy" I chuckle a little and kiss his head and then sit on the couch.

Tonight is gonna be one hell of a night....

But today was nice! Jimin bad father son bonding time with soobin!! I'm sure it didn't go that bad....I'm sure jimin knew what he was doing....

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