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🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑(A/N: I know I didn't put trigger warnings on other chapters that people died in but I I have to?....this is a joker and Harley Quinn au.....they are literally known for being villians and killing please don't message me saying shit like

'kids read your fanfics and you're making them read things they shouldn't read, you're a psycho for writing stuff like this! Nobody should write about murder this easily!'

(^^ that is a message I got just 15 minuets ago)

Like seriously....i under that Kids might read my fanfics but even if they do they must have read the discription and it literally says jimin as the joker and jungkook as Harley's pretty obvious they're gonna kill people......and I don't write about murder easily 🙄

I'm just saying this cause I'm sick of people messaging me and telling me that I'm a psycho for writing this type of stuff....yes calling me a psycho really helps my mental health....thanks

anyways!!! 🛑In this chapter there are some really disturbing parts🛑so please don't read if you don't want to.....and sorry for the short rant above I'm just tired of people calling me a psycho for writing this fanfic))))


Jungkooks pov

I open my eyes and look around to see I'm in mine and jimins bedroom. I suddenly have the urge to kill something.
I stand up and grab my bat and hit the mirror we had on the wall.

The door flies open and jimin walks in "jungkook what the fuck are you doing?!" I look at him "I don't fucking know! But I'm going out! DONT fucking follow me!" I walk past him. He grabs my arm "Harley Quinn listen to me right now!"

I look at him "sorry mistah jay I didn't mean ta yell at ya" he sighs "it's alright tell me what's going passed out and now all of a sudden you have an urge to break and kill things?" I smirk "those thoughts are no more puddin' I'm back to the old me! It's date night tonight puddin' and we're killing your father remember? Don't be late puddin' love ya!!"

I walk out the room and grab my gun and then walk out the house and smirk "I'm back and better than ever!! No more guilt or regrets!!!"

Jimins pov

I sigh watching jungkook walk out the house.....there is something wrong I can tell......just a few hours ago he was crying because he was feeling guilty and now he's running around like a psycho killing and breaking anything he can.....
God I wish I could understand his mind sometimes

Jungkooks pov

I sneak around in alley ways and smirk getting an idea "aha! I have an idea!" In school i was bullied loads.....mostly by minjun and this other bitch called Kim Bella she was the bitchest bitch in the school.....if I remember correctly she lives three doors down from where minjun lived

I walk to the house where she use to live.i knock on the door and hear a familiar voice, I giggle "bingo~"
The door opens "hel-" she screams and goes to slam the door in my face but I stop it with my bat. She runs into the house and goes to hide.

I open the door and then slam the door with my foot and lock it "ready or not here I come~" I walk around the house and huff "damn bitch you're qui- nevermind there you are"

She was hiding under the table. I roll my eyes and grab her foot pulling her out from under there and I pull my knife out and stab her hand so it goes all the way through and into the floor, she screams in pain Making me smirk.

I walk to a small hole in the wall "wow you're a tramp aren't you? You have mice living with you....aha!" I see a- "oh that's not a mouse....that's a rat....what a coincidence!" I grab the rat and walk over to her "do you remember when you put rats in my locker?"

She doesn't answer me. I slap her "ANSWER ME!" She cries and nods "yes! I remember!" I put the rat next to her face and it just stands there right next to her. I smirk "oh I also have some styrofoam! Do you know what I'm going to do with it?"

The rat squeaks. I shake my head "not yet" I stab her other hand Making her scream again and I then shove styrofoam into her mouth Making her choke. I glare at her "remember when you replaced all my food with styrofoam?!! Do you remember how much you fucking bullied me?!"

She shakes her head "I never did!!" I growl "yes you fucking did!!! DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME YOU PATHETIC BITCH!!" I gasp and get an idea. I walk to where the rat was and I crouch down and look at the rat "since you're the only one that will listen to me here...go get some of your friends"

The rat looks at me. I growl "go!" It squeaks and runs off, I sit with my back against the table leg "I was regretting so many things a few hours ago.....I was considering going back to a psychiatrist and being all sweet and kind......but then.....I realised was you and people like you who made me this way!!"

I grab her hair and look at her and giggle "it's pathetic bitches like you who created this wasn't my puddin'....oh no....he just clicked the button and I snapped.....I have wanted to do this for see you begging for me not to kill you..."

Loads of rats run out and to her body. I growl "oi! Back it up!" The rats stop running to might am I getting the rats to listen to me? response......I have no fucking idea....

I crouch down to Bella and smile "you look so scared.... nobody to help you...." I grab some more styrofoam and shove it down her throat. I see a rat going to bite me so I kick it "hey! Back the fuck off you disease infested bitch!"

I grab my knife and lift the back of her shirt up and carve a picture of a puppy into her back and giggle "I remember you liked puppies" I then carve 'by Harley Quinn' on her back and watch the blood drip onto the floor.

I walk towards the front door and then look back at her body to see the rats biting her flesh and I cover my mouth "that's actually so fucking gross" I grab my gun and shoot her body once more and giggle "bye bye Kim bella~ have fun in hell~"

I walk out the house and walk back home where I see the others all stood outside. I giggle like a psycho and grip my hair "they're dead! They're dead!!!" I laugh more and soobin gulps "e-e-eomma you're scaring me...." I laugh more and jimin walks to me and picks me up over his shoulder and I laugh more "the rats are eating her eyes and they'll live in her corpse~"

I gasp when jimin ties me to a chair in the basement "you're going too far Harley! You need to calm down!!!" I laugh more and he takes my bat and knife from me and he sighs "I'll be back down in a few minutes....please calm down" I laugh more and he walks out

Jimins pov

Jungkook laughs like a psycho and I walk out the basement and soobin looks at me "Appa.....I'm scared....what's wrong with eomma?" I sigh and ruffle his hair "nothing son it's okay....he's just killed one to many people and needs time to calm down"

We hear a bang from the basement and we all run down there and my eyes widen seeing the chair where jungkook was now empty and the small window broken. I hear Jungkooks laughter and screams of civilians

He's going even crazier......this is bad.....really bad...............

Or is it?........

you've gone CRAZY! (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now