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Two years later

Jungkooks pov


he groans and shoots the police officer. I hear a helicopter and huff "where the fuck is your father with joy?" Soobin shrugs "they went to get ice cream" I growl "that damn villian" i walk over to soobin and pick him up over my shoulder.

I turn around to the rest of the officers "oh FUCK OFF IM FINDING MY BOYFRIEND AND DAUGHTER! GO BOTHER SOME OTHER CRIMINAL!" I shoot them all and then walk to the ice cream parlor to see jimin and joy sat at a small table colouring a unicorn while all the other coustomers and staff were hidden under tables or hidden in the locked back room.

I put soobin down "stay there" he nods and then smirks "Appa is in trouble~" I walk over to them and clear my throat "ahem" jimin sighs and looks at joy "eomma found us didn't he?" Joy nods. Jimin looks at me "hey princess" I point to the door ""

I turn around and pull my knife out when I see a boy talking to soobin....who the fuck dares to talk to my son...

Soobin gulps "h-hello" the boy smiles and waves "hi! I'm yeonjun!" Jimin chuckles "our boy is falling in love" I roll my eyes and put my knife away "soobin move it, we're leaving" I walk out the shop and stop when I hear soobin giggle "see you again yeonjun!" I turn around and soobin gulps "e-e-eomma i-"

I cut him off "where's his parents?" Soobin shrugs "he lives at an orphanage why? He goes to my school" I nod " all of you move it before I ground you all!" Jimin looks at me "you can't ground me! I'm the boss here"

I glare at him "don't fucking test me park jimin" he Huff's and picks joy up and walks out.
I walk out and soobin follows. I hear police sirens and I huff "puddin' have you got your gun?" Jimin nods "yeah in my back pocket"

I take his gun out and hand it to him, police cars drive up to us and officers get out, soobin shoots some of them and so do i. I smile a little watching jimin teach joy how to use a gun, joy takes the gun and jimin helps her pull the trigger and she hits a police officer right between the eyes.

I laugh a little "good shot baby girl!" She giggles and then jimin takes the gun back and we make our way home after getting away from the police.
I open the door and gasp when I see yoongi,felix,Minho, changbin and Han.

I pull my gun out and so do they. Felix smirks "Harley Quinn! It's been some time hasn't it!" I push Soobin behind me "you're crazy?" He laughs "we're Psychos mate" I smirk and walk towards them "where's the three other assholes?" Han Huff's "they're all training to be Police Officers",

We all gasp when soobin shoots the window. I look at him "park Soobin!", He gasps "I didn't mean to! My finger slipped!" I huff and take the gun from him "go to your room and throw knives at the wall until you hit the bullseye and then you can come down, take your sister as well"

He Huff's and then takes joy from jimin and walks to his room mumbling "eomma is fucking gumpy today" I cross my arms "PARK SOOBIN YOU ARE GROUNDED!" He groans and I hear a knife being thrown at the wall. I sigh "sometimes I regret having kids"

Jimin chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist "so you don't want another one?" He moves his hand down my pants. I huff "park jimin you are grounded" I push him away "I'm thinking of a way to get Jin,Joon and Tae back on our side, now is not the time so go and torture someone and think about why you've done"

He glares at me and then Huff's "sometimes I forget how much of a psycho you actually are" I glare at him "park jimin" he chuckles and walks down to the basement.i roll my eyes and changbin chuckles "he isn't much of a bloodthirsty villian now is he?"

I smirk "not at home, at home he knows that I wear the pants in the relationship, however if we're out on a mission or on a killing spree he controls everything and he is the most bloodthirsty psycho I have ever's amazing~" he gulps.

I huff and then walk to the kitchen "so how did you guys turn back?" Minho shrugs "we aren't sure actually.....we just kinda snapped and killed staff members and then left and came here.....we tried to snap the others back but they gave Felix that cut" Felix shows me a gash on his arm.

I laugh "wow that's deep!" Felix nods "yeah.... namjoon got me with a gun" I laugh "aw sucks to be you, learn how to dodge bullets" he rolls his eyes.

How am I gonna get the others back?....I have grounded jimin and soobin so they can't help....minho and changbin are offense but I still don't trust them much....Felix is injured.....maybe I could use Han to help...
But how........

you've gone CRAZY! (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now